To ensure a consistent and complete replay, RTV requires access to all content related to a session. When some or all of the content is stored on a server to which RTV does not have access, replay can be incomplete. Suppose an RTV session references images that are stored on a protected server. When RTV reaches out to these assets, it may not be able to download them and display them in the RTV replay. These images are displayed as missing images in the replay.
Content that is stored behind a password-protected site or transmitted over HTTPS cannot be directly accessed. Since many sessions are specific to the user's settings, it can be impossible to re-create the session by using a global login of some kind.
In most web applications, static content such as cascading style sheets and images is stored in a consistent location. The basic approach is to move this content to a new unsecured server and then to create a host/port remap rule to map the original host/port to the new host/port on the unsecured server.