In RTV Replay view, the web server generation time is displayed in the status bar in the lower right corner. This generation time reflects the time that it took the web server to generate the text page only and does not account for the time that is required to fetch each binary file. Most user impressions include the basic text page, all binary files, any JavaScript™ commands that affect how the page is rendered, and any specified child pages.
All of the following factors affect the duration that is required to make the complete user impression:
- The binary files are typically on your web application's hosting server, but the text page might ask for binary files from a third-party server.
- When a browser begins to receive an HTML page, it starts to evaluate the page contents, even before the page is fully downloaded from the web server. The browser can spin off threads to handle the binary file requests, which runs concurrently. To see the entire page, each of these binary file requests must finish or timeout.
- After each file is loaded, any OnLoad event on the page is run, the JavaScript associated with the OnLoad event is interpreted.
- Some sites establish Timer events on a page to fire some predefined time after OnLoad, starting additional JavaScript code.
- Fast computers handle the page rendering quicker than slow computers.
Because Tealeaf captures the browser-server interactions, these client-side actions are not recorded by Tealeaf. The UIEvents feature hooks into the Document Object Model of the page and can track these actions, which enable the reporting of this information and factoring it into the duration of a fully rendered page.