An enumeration that identifies the type of id
being used by the library.
The idType
is only used by the browser-based UI Capture SDK.
Supported frameworks | Experience Analytics UI Capture |
Path | <global>.<session>.<message>.target.idType |
Description | An enumeration that identifies the type of id being used by the library.
The idType is only used by the browser-based UI Capture SDK. |
Value |
Limitations | None |
Dependencies | Replay uses this information with the target id to do a reverse lookup to get to the target element in the DOM. |
This example shows a Control (Type 4) message with an id
that is derived from
the XPath for Native iOS/Android, idType
is (-4):
"screenviewOffset": 217,
"target": {
"id": "[KV,0]",
"position": {
"y": 368,
"x": 0,
"width": 360,
"height": 224
"idType": -4,
"currState": {
"y": "0",
"x": "0"
"style": {
"paddingTop": 3,
"paddingBottom": 0,
"paddingLeft": 0,
"hidden": false,
"paddingRight": 0
"subType": "View",
"type": "KeyboardView",
"tlType": "keyboard"
"type": 4,
"offset": 280,
"count": 1,
"fromWeb": false,
"event": {
"type": "UIKeyboardDidShowNotification",
"tlEvent": "kbDisplayed"
This example shows a Control (Type 4) message with an id
that is an assigned id,
is (-1:
"count": 6,
"event": {
"tlEvent": "click",
"type": "Click"
"fromWeb": false,
"offset": 1664,
"screenviewOffset": 1601,
"target": {
"currState": {
"font": {
"bold": false,
"italic": false,
"name": "sans-serif",
"size": 36
"text": "Login"
"id": "",
"idType": -1,
"position": {
"height": 96,
"width": 493,
"x": 113,
"y": 680
"style": {
"hidden": false,
"paddingBottom": 16,
"paddingLeft": 24,
"paddingRight": 24,
"paddingTop": 16,
"textAlign": "center",
"textAlphaColor": 255,
"textColor": 11711154
"subType": "TextView",
"tlType": "button",
"type": "Button"
"type": 4