If the cxReveal pipeline receives a Session Discard event from the Event Bus, the session is deleted and removed from the database.
The configured event must be marked for delivery to the Event Bus. If no Session Discard event is sent, the session is not discarded until after it has timed out. During the interval, other actions may occur to alter the session data in the cxReveal database.
Through the Event Bus, these events are inserted in the [CEP]
section of the
request with the statement DiscardedSession=true
Pipeline shutdown
If the cxReveal pipeline or its Attribute Indexing session agent shuts down or crashes, when the system restarts, all open sessions with a last timestamp past timeout are deleted immediately or upon the following hour's check.
- This deletion happens regardless of whether, during the downtime, an actual Closed event was received.
- Open sessions that have not timed out yet are processed as normal as more hits are received.