cxReveal manages sessions independently of cxImpact. This section describes how the cxReveal capture pipeline and database manage sessions.
Session close
After a session is closed, if the Attribute Indexing session agent receives additional hits for the session, the session agent attempts to update them in the session.
Session timeout
By default, cxReveal is configured to timeout sessions if no update has been made within the last 60 minutes. If one hour has elapsed, the session is timed out.
In cxReveal, each valid session should be closed by a Session Close event. If the Session Close event is not seen before the session timeout is triggered, cxReveal closes the session.
The timeout setting is specified using the Search Database Session Timeout
setting in the Portal Management page.
Search timeout
When a cxReveal database search runs, the search is timed out if results are not returned within 60 seconds, by default. Depending on the performance of your network and databases, you may wish to adjust this setting.
The timeout setting is specified using the Search Database Search Timeout
setting in the Portal Management page.
Session removal
Sessions are retained in individual tables for each day. A day's session data is retained in the database for 30 days, after which the data is deleted. This length of time is defined by the parameter Search Database Session Attribute Tables - Days Retain