In some situations, you may wish to enable a restricted set of users to search sensitive data that has been encrypted or blocked. You can create privacy filters to copy the sensitive data to an MD5-hashed field and then encrypt or block the original field. Then, you can configure a search template to include the new version of the field and to apply MD5 to the search term to return the original value.
Note: The MD5 option can be applied only if the Extended Privacy session agent is used.
Note: The following steps do provide a means of accessing blocked or sensitive data that you might
otherwise wish to protect. If you are concerned about access to this newly created field, please do
the following:
- Review the users and groups that have access to configuring search templates through their menu profiles.
- You may be able to create one or more events to segment access to the search field by user groups.
Search fields that have an MD5 applied to them must be exact matches.
- Wildcards are not available.
- Hyphens and other punctuation may be removed in the search field. For example, the original
becomes the following MD5-hashed field value:
Users who are searching an MD5-hashed field must be informed of these limitations.