Text blocking can be used to sanitize sensitive data such as credit card numbers or passwords from captured data that was used in earlier versions of Tealeaf CX. In addition to the extended functionality, the Privacy session agent provides default rules and actions that emulate the behavior of the old Text Blocking session agent.
action configured by default in Rule 1.The following sections describe how to block specific data fields in the request and response. By default, Tealeaf provides filtering rules and actions to block text in the response, which can be modified and enabled to meet your web application requirements.
Method 1: Request file Changes
To sanitize sensitive data in URL fields you can use the TextBlockURLFields_WhiteList action in the provided Privacy session agent configuration file (Privacy.cfg). By default, this action is run as part of Rule1.
To identify the fields to block, specify the field names in the Value Name option in the TextBlockURLFields_WhiteList action.
Method 2: Response file Changes
All sensitive field names (e.g., primaryApplicant_SocialSecurityNumber) must be added to the TextBlockURLFields_WhiteList action (or similar Privacy session agent action) in order to block users from viewing this information in the Request/Response view of the CX RealiTea Viewer.
Method 3: Multi-Line Text Blocking in Response
Suppose you have the following HTML in the response that you would like to block:
<b>Account Number: </b>
You can create the following privacy action section to block this text:
StartPattern=<b>Account Number:
ReplaceString=<b>Account Number: XXXXXXXX </b> </td>