- Do not change the
file to remove TLTSID as the cookie to session, even when it is not. If sessionizing on a non-TLTSID value, Passive Capture creates a 32-byte GUID as the TLTSID value, which turns all hits into 1-hit sessions.- TLSessioning assumes that the TLTSID contents are a 32-byte GUID (new sessions assume the TLTSID of the first hit), so keep this value as a 32-byte GUID. If the TLTSID cookie is valid because the Tealeaf cookie injector is in use, then this TLSessioning is not necessary, although there is harm in using it as long as TLTSID is specified as the PrimarySessField.
- Any Session Sampling such as performed by the RTA session agent must be after the TLSessioning Script, or there is downstream session infidelity.