After you complete your initial configuration, you can perform the following steps to verify the configuration. A more complete set of tests can be executed after all Tealeaf components are configured.
- Test a user account: After you configure user and group settings, create a sample user for each group to test menu access, default search template, and replay features.
- Check an account that is a basic Portal user.
- Try to search for session data.
Note: If you cannot complete a search, there may be issues with your authentication configuration.
- Log in as Admin: Verify that the Admin account is properly configured.
- Log in using this account to see that all menu items are available.
- If you configured Portal announcements, select Help > Portal Announcements.
- Run Portal Tests:
- From the Portal menu, select Help > About Portal.
- In the Portal Performance Tests panel, click Execute All.
- When the tests are complete, a
message or a time value should be displayed in the Results column. These messages indicate that the Portal is operational and able to communicate with its required component frameworks and the Tealeaf database.
- Generate Status report: The Status report can be configured to provide useful status information from databases, servers, and components, including the CX Passive Capture Application. Through the Portal, you can generate one of these reports.
- To run the Status, select Help > Portal Management.
- In the Portal Management page, click the Logs section in the navigation panel.
- Under the Logs heading, click View Status.
- Review the generated status report for error or warning conditions.
- Review Logs:
- In the Portal Management page under the Logs heading, you can bundle the Tealeaf logs together into a .zip file for external review. Click the Logs and Configuration Files link. Save the file locally.
- Review each of the zipped log files for Error entries.
- Verify Tealeaf servers:
- In the Portal menu, navigate to Portal Management.
- Under Servers, click Manage Servers.
- Review the list of available servers. For each server, use the buttons in the toolbar to complete the following:
- Ping the server.
- Review the Windows™ Event Log.
- Review the Tealeaf logs.
- Display inactive servers to verify that none of the listed servers should be active.
When all Tealeaf components are configured, you should complete an end-to-end test.