If your web application references external files such as JavaScripts, you can configure a set of file modifications so that undesirable actions are not taken within the RTV web browser during replay. Typically, this feature is used to disable script execution.
Note: You can use dynamic external file modification rules to modify external file data based on the detection of Tealeaf events in the transaction stream. You can configure these modifications by using the same interface as the one used to configure dynamic response modifications.
- In the Edit Profile dialog, double-click the ExternalFileMod node.
- For the specified host name, enter the regular expression pattern for the file names to modify.
Note: Regular expressions are a powerful mechanism for specifying pattern matching.
- In the Pattern text box, you can specify using a regular expression the text for which to search.
- In the Replacement text box, specify the text to replace the matched pattern.
- Select whether to replace only the first occurrence or all occurrences.
- After you specify your external file modification rule, you must test it against sample data.
- To save your external file modification rule, click OK.