The Tealeaf VOC Name-Value Pair (NVP) API allows VOC vendors and Tealeaf mutual customers to integrate their online feedback with their Tealeaf solution by using the data insertion method of integration.
Data is associated between the two systems by configuring VOC feedback, at successful submission of the online feedback, to send post requests that include the feedback data as query string parameters to the target page on the customer's web infrastructure. This equips the customer to conduct Tealeaf investigative analysis using VOC data to segment sessions.
Process overview
This process outlines the basic steps that are followed when you integrate with Tealeaf using the NVP API.
- When a customer successfully submits their online feedback, send a POST request to the target page.
- The customer should provide the site root relative path for the target page.
- The post should include the query parameters that are used to identify the data as online feedback. The post should also include the feedback data that is submitted by the customer. The data might be a subset of the VOC feedback, which is based on what the customer intends to consume in their Tealeaf solution.
Query parameters syntax
The query parameters in your post should follow the specific syntax that includes name, value, and format.
The following rules must be followed for the name syntax.
- Name syntax is case-sensitive.
- Name syntax is case-sensitive. The post must include name VOCName to be a viewable page in Tealeaf.
- Each name should be unique.
You must define which feedback parameters to post to Tealeaf, and then define each name so that they can identify the feedback in Tealeaf.
The following set of Tealeaf predefined names can be used where the feedback is appropriate for the customer to take advantage of the set of prebuilt Tealeaf templates. This set of pre-defined names are established for feedback commonly included by the customer, and are known as common feedback. Some or all of these Tealeaf predefined names for common feedback can be used as applicable.
You can define names other than those names reserved for common feedback. Customer-defined names are known as custom feedback.
Name | Value type | Description |
VOCName |
This name is required for each post to be a viewable page in Tealeaf. | |
Comment |
Unstructured | Verbatim feedback for one open-ended question. |
Page |
URL | The page from which user came from to provide feedback. |
CommentReason |
String | The structured response selection from a customer-defined list of values for the reason why feedback is being provided. Do not use this parameter name for open-end verbatims. |
SiteVisitReason |
String | The structured response selection from a customer-defined list of values for the reason for visiting the customer's online site. Do not use this parameter name for open-end verbatims. |
SiteVisitReason Success |
String | The structured response selection for boolean type to indicate whether the visitor was successful accomplishing the reason for their visit to the online site. |
CSatRating |
Positive integer | While this value can be any integer, pre-defined templates assume a rating scale of 0 to 10 for the customer satisfaction rating. |
OverallRating |
Positive integer | While this value can be any integer, pre-defined templates assume a rating scale of 1 to 5 for the overall site rating. |
ContentRating |
Positive integer | While this value can be any integer, pre-defined templates assume a rating scale of 1 to 5 for the site content rating. |
DesignRating |
Positive integer | While this value can be any integer, pre-defined templates assume a rating scale of 1 to 5 for the site design rating. |
UsabilityRating |
Positive integer | While this value can be any integer, pre-defined templates assume a rating scale of 1 to 5 for the site ease-of-use rating. |
StatementRating |
Positive integer | While this value can be any integer, pre-defined templates assume a rating scale of 0 to 10 for rating the statement. |
Value syntax
The following rules must be followed for the value syntax.
- Each name should only contain one value.
- The value might be empty, except for name
. - The value for name
should be the identifier for the VOC Vendor
Complete syntax
The following rules must be followed for the complete syntax.
- The name is separated from the value by =.
- The name-value pairs should each be separated by &.
Syntax examples
The following example shows name-value pairs in the query string for common feedback that includes customer satisfaction rating, verbatim feedback for an open-ended question, the page from which user came from to provide feedback, and the reason for visiting the customer's online site.
The following example shows name-value pairs in the query string that contains common feedback and custom feedback. This includes the identifier for the survey type (since the customer uses more than 1 survey from the VOC vendor), the overall site rating, the reason why feedback is being provided, and the verbatim feedback for an open-ended question.
The following example shows name-value pairs in the query string that contains common feedback and custom feedback. This includes the identifier for the survey type (since the customer uses more than 1 survey from the VOC vendor), the overall site rating, the reason why feedback is being provided, the verbatim feedback for an open-ended question, email address for visitors that want to be contacted, and a would you recommend rating. It contains empty values for the overall site rating and the email address because the visitor did not answer these survey questions.