The information in this article applies only if your organization uses Kaleyra (formerly mGage) as an SMS partner and the SMS Campaign Manager is used to send outbound SMS messages.
To apply SMS universal behaviors, the contact record must include an SMS phone number. If the phone number exists in the Campaign database, then all sent SMS messages result in the system generating universal behaviors. You can then create queries that segment customers for your messages.
- When the SMS send is triggered, Campaign processes the contact source, personalizes the SMS message, and then sends the message to the SMS campaign manager for the delivery.
- After the message is sent, SMS campaign manager fires a universal behavior.
- Campaign publishes the newly generated universal behavior event (SMS event Been sent a message from SMS program with delivery status: Sent) and the event is sent to Exchange.
- After Exchange receives the event from Campaign, Exchange pushes this event to your endpoint.
- The endpoint extracts the message details, including the message body, short code/long code/sender ID, SMS program ID, mobile phone number, delivery status, and date/time.
- The endpoint passes the newly received SMS message details to the external system for storage/compliance.
- When the carrier returns a delivery status, SMS campaign manager fires a universal behavior to report the delivery status.
- Campaign publishes the newly generated universal behavior (SMS event Been sent a message from SMS Program with delivery status: Delivered or Failed) and the event is sent to Exchange.
- The endpoint receives the SMS event, extracts the message details including the delivery status, and passes the details to the external system for storage/compliance.
Universal behaviors and long text messages
If a long message text is sent, only one universal behavior is fired: Been sent a message from SMS program with delivery status: Sent.
However, for each incoming delivery receipt, there may be multiple universal behaviors fired, one for each outbound SMS. This will result in multiple Been sent a message from SMS program events with delivery status: Delivered.
Consent and universal behavior event batching
- All universal behavior events are sent to the API queue.
- Universal behavior events are batched by 100 events per organization.
- Universal behavior event batches are usually sent around 10 seconds after being batched
- No consent calls are batched.
- GET consent calls are never sent to the API queue due to the immediate need of a response.
- PUT consents are sent to the API queue only if they need to be retried.
- PUT multiple consent calls, which are only related to STOP opt-outs, are always sent to the API queue.
- Email, contact lookup calls are not sent to the API queue.