The Tealeaf Scheduling Service can be used to schedule repeated Tealeaf-specific jobs. During installation, the Scheduling Service is configured to automatically start up, but some default jobs are disabled.
The service is configured using an .xml file, which is stored in <install_directory>\Tools\TlSchedulersvccfg.xml. To enable or disable the service, use the Windows™ Service Control Panel to start or stop the Scheduling Service.
- Only one scheduled job can run at a time. If a scheduled job overlaps the start time of another job, the second job is not started until after completion of the first job.
- This service cannot be used for scheduling non-repeating jobs. To schedule a one-off job, set the repeat command to
and disable the job after it successfully runs. - The default configuration file that is included during installation contains the specification for jobs of three different types. By default, all are disabled.
- Before you edit this file, you might want to save the original file as a backup.
- The Scheduling Service should not be used for scheduling and executing Tealeaf-related jobs other than those specified in this section.
- Path names are relative to the Tealeaf install directory. You cannot use environment variables in the path names.
- Avoid changing the job frequency for the default job configurations. Changing the frequency of these jobs may affect the behavior and performance of the Tealeaf system.
- Do not schedule jobs to run more frequently than every fifteen minutes unless directed by Tealeaf.
Default Configuration
The following .xml file is the default configuration provided during the installation process.
Available repeat commands:
RepeatEvery5Cmd - runs every 5 minutes
RepeatEvery10Cmd - runs every 10 minutes
RepeatEvery15Cmd - runs every 15 minutes
RepeatEvery30Cmd - runs every 30 minutes
RepeatEvery60Cmd - runs every 60 minutes
RepeatDailyCmd - runs every day at a set time.
<!-- Run TealeafStatus every 15 minutes -->
<Job Enable="False" Name="TealeafStatus" RunType="RepeatEvery15Cmd"
DailyStartTime="" CmdString="tools\TealeafStatus.exe" />
<!-- Run Cycle Services at 00:30 AM every day -->
<Job Enable="True" Name="Cycle" RunType="RepeatDailyCmd"
DailyStartTime="00:30" CmdString="tools\TLBackup.exe -C" />
<!-- Run Extractor for Visitor DB every 15 minutes -->
<Job Enable="False" Name="VisitorDBExtract" RunType="RepeatEvery15Cmd"
DailyStartTime="" CmdString="Reporting\TLExtractorVDB.exe" />