The cxReveal (TL_SEARCH
) database stores session
attribute data and other session-related data in the database as soon as it is captured. This
immediate capture allows rapid access to sessions for cxReveal users and fast
response times when querying through the Portal for sessions.
In the database, data is stored in individual tables for each day.
The cxReveal database requires the following:
- cxReveal license
- cxConnect for Data Analysis license (for Event Bus)
- PRIMARY - The default filegroup for the database. Used by SQL Server for record keeping and management in the database.
- LOOKUP - Contains all non-search cxReveal data.
- INDEX - Contains the non-clustered indexes for the data in the LOOKUP filegroup.
- SESSION - Contains the searchable session data.
- SESSION_INDEX - The non-clustered indexes on the searchable data.
The size of the database correlates directly to the number of sessions per day that are processed by Experience Analytics. For each session, one row is created and stored while the session is retained in the source Canister. For most customers, this database should range from 50 GB to 300 GB.
cxReveal captures statistical information from this database, which is available through the Portal.