You use cxVerify to manage data extractions and move extractions to archives.
Through the Portal, you can configure session and archive tasks.
Creating tasks requires administrator privileges in your Portal account. If you cannot see the Tealeaf menu in the Portal, you do not have administrator privileges.
Session tasks are used to schedule session data extractions based on servers, data set, and data filters, and then store the data. Session data provides an accurate representation of the customer's interaction during a visit to your website. A session task is used to extract session data into a PDF file.
When you create a session task, you are extracting the session data. You need to decide on the following scheduling and extraction options:
Decisions | Which tab to look in |
When do you want to run the extraction task?
General |
Where do you want to store the extracted session data? | CX Servers |
What data filters do you want to use? | Data Filters |
Where do you want the session data to be archived? | Destination |
Do you want to password protect the session data? | Digital Signatures |
What data fields do you want to displayed in the PDF? | PDF page fields |
Who should be notified when the session data task have been completed? | Notifications |
What type of session do you want to extract?
Data Set |
Depending on the type of scheduling, cxVerify waits the following time periods:
- For repeated tasks such as daily or hourly task, cxVerify verifies that
the session indexes were updated at least 1 hour after the end of the configured extract time.
If an hourly job is unable to complete in the allotted number of tries, it is skipped and is not reattempted. The next hour, the job is run to collect that hour's data.
- Run Now tasks do not check the indexes.
Archive tasks are used to archive existing data to an Archive Canister. Before you create a archive task, you need to make some decisions about the archive.
Decisions | Which tab to look in |
When do you want to run the archive task?
General |
Where do you want to extracted session data from? | CX Servers |
Where do you want the session data to be archived? | Destination |
Do you want to trim the archive? | Destination |
Do you want to perform a check on the archive? | Destination |
Who should be notified when the archiving task have been completed? | Notifications |
What type of session do you want to archive?
Data Set |