XML | Console Display | Description |
<HitsCaptured> |
Captured |
Count of hits where the HTTP parser was able to form a complete request and response hit. |
<HitsCapturedPerSec> |
Captured before hit processing per second |
Provide current rate of captured hits (above). This statistic provides an indicator of the number of hits before hit processing, rejection, etc. |
<HitsRejectedResponse> |
Rejected response |
Not implemented or used. |
<HitsRejectedResponseBody> |
Rejected response body |
Not implemented or used. |
<HitsRejectedHits> |
Rejected hits |
When in capture mode type BusinessIT, the count of hits that had their response rejected where their URL extension matches the extension exclusion list. The hit is still formed and delivered but the response is missing, i.e. just the request record. For example, URL extensions excluded, GIF, BMP, CSS, JS, etc. |
<HitsUndeliveredHitsWhilePassive> |
Undelivered hits while passive |
Displays hits dropped while Passive Capture is passive node. |
<HitsCurrentNonSslHitsPerSec> |
Current non-SSL hits per second |
Provide current rates of non-SSL hits per second being processed. This statistic provides an indicator of the amount of hits processed that are not SSL decrypted by Passive Capture. Some sites may have all their SSL traffic terminated before Passive Capture receiving it. |
<HitsMaxNonSslHitsPerSec> |
Maximum non-SSL hits per second |
Provide maximum rates of non-SSL hits per second being processed. This statistic provides an indicator of the amount of hits processed that are not SSL decrypted by Passive Capture. Some sites may have all their SSL traffic terminated before Passive Capture receiving it. |
<HitsAvgNonSslHitsPerSec> |
Average non-SSL hits per second |
Provide average rates of non-SSL hits per second being processed. This statistic provides an indicator of the amount of hits processed that are not SSL decrypted by Passive Capture. Some sites may have all their SSL traffic terminated before Passive Capture receiving it. |
<HitsCurrentToDeliveryHitspersec> |
Current to delivery hits per second |
Provide current rates of hits sent to the Passive Capture delivery system. The delivery system may be overwhelmed due to various network socket issues, such as saturating the NIC bandwidth, which could cause it to drop hits. |
<HitsMaxToDeliveryHitspersec> |
Maximum to delivery hits per second |
Provide maximum rates of hits sent to the Passive Capture delivery system. The delivery system may be overwhelmed due to various network socket issues, such as saturating the NIC bandwidth, which could cause it to drop hits. |
<HitsTotalCaptureType1> |
Total Capture Type 1 Hits |
Counts of hits of Capture Type 1 that have been captured. |
<HitsTotalCaptureType2> |
Total Capture Type 2 Hits |
Counts of hits of Capture Type 2 that have been captured. |
<HitsTotalCaptureType3> |
Total Capture Type 3 Hits |
Counts of hits of Capture Type 3 that have been captured. |
<HitsTotalCaptureTypeOther> |
Total Capture Type Other Hits |
Counts of hits of unidentified capture type that have been captured. |
<HitsTotalLargeHits> |
Total Hits Identified as Too Large |
Counts of hits that have been identified as too large to capture. |
<HitsTotalStreamingHits> |
Total Streaming Hits |
Counts of total streaming hits that have been captured. |
<HitsTotalNonHttpTypeErrors> |
Total non-Http type errors |
Counts the number of hits that fail to have the "HTTP" protocol string in its header. The hit is dropped when this occurs. |
<HitsTotalBogusHttpErrors> |
Total invalid HTTP errors |
Counts hits that don't follow specific HTTP protocol format requirements for the headers, such as missing header chars, extraneous CR or LF chars, etc. The hit is dropped when this occurs. |
<HitsTotalClientSpeaksFirstErrors> |
Total responses before requests errors |
Indicates that an HTTP hit was reassembled with a response before a request. |
<HitsTotalMoreRespThanReqErrors> |
Total more responses than requests errors |
Indicates within a TCP connection where multiple hits are being formed that there were more responses than requests. This means that there were insufficient requests to match up with hit responses. After this condition is detected within the TCP connection, all following hits are dropped. |
<HitsTotalUnansweredReqErrors> |
Total unanswered requests errors |
Indicates within a TCP connection that there were missing responses for the number of requests present for multiple hits. |
<HitsTotalUnfinishedReqErrors> |
Total unfinished request errors |
Total count of HTTP requests that finished before its reported size indicated. These errors can occur if the request header for content length was incorrectly computed for the actual request body data. For example, stated length is greater than actual data. |
<HitsTotalUnfinishedRespErrors> |
Total unfinished response errors |
Total count of HTTP responses that finished before its reported size indicated. These errors can occur if the response header for content length was incorrectly computed for the actual response data. For example, stated length is greater than actual data. |
<HitsTotalRespTimerExpiredErrors> |
Total response timer expired errors |
Indicates within a TCP connection that a response
did not occur after a request within this TCP transmission timeout
configuration setting. The default value is 120 seconds. |
<HitsTotalXmitTimerExpiredErrors> |
Total packet transmission timer expired
errors |
Indicates within a TCP connection that packets
must occur within this TCP transmission timeout configuration setting.
The default value is 120 seconds. |
<HitsTotalTlapiReparseRespNullErrors> |
Total TLAPI invalid response errors |
Counts hits in TLapi where no response is present. |
<HitsTotalTlapiReqStartExtraBytes> |
Total TLAPI request start extra bytes |
Flags hits in TLapi that have extraneous CR, LF, or Null chars at the start of the request. This is just a warning condition count. Though it's not conforming, the extra chars are ignored, and checking continues if the rest of the request is valid. |
<HitsTotalTlapiInvalidReqErrors> |
Total TLAPI invalid request errors |
Counts hits in TLapi where no request is present. The hit is dropped when this occurs. |
<HitsTotalTlapiReqCorruptErrors> |
Total TLAPI request corrupt errors |
Counts hits in TLapi if the request unexpectedly ends. Typically, there can be some extraneous chars that are filtered out leaving nothing left for a request. Or if after a request method, GET, POST, etc., nothing follows in the line. The hit is dropped when this occurs. |
<HitsTotalTlapiReparseRespCorruptErrors> |
Total TLAPI response corrupt errors |
Counts hits in TLapi that were found without a response. This can occur when a TCP connection closes unexpectedly before a hit response was captured. The incomplete hit is still sent to TLapi to confirm if a complete hit does exist or not. |
<HitsTotalInflateRequestCandidates> |
Total candidates for inflate request |
Total number of hits with a compressed request body (POST data) where decompression is attempted. |
<HitsTotalInflateRequestsCompleted> |
Total requests inflated |
Total number of hits where a compressed request body is successfully decompressed. |
<HitsTotalInflateRequestsFailed> |
Total failed attempts to inflate the request |
Total number of hits where decompression of a compressed request body failed. |
<HitsTotalInflateResponseCandidates> |
Total candidates for inflate response |
Total number of hits with a compressed response where decompression is attempted. |
<HitsTotalInflateResponsesCompleted> |
Total responses inflated |
Total number of hits where a compressed response is successfully decompressed. |
<HitsTotalInflateResponsesFailed> |
Total failed attempts to inflate the response |
Total number of hits where decompression of a compressed response failed. |
<HitsTotalDeflateResponseCandidates |
Total candidates for deflate response |
Total candidates for deflate response |
<HitsTotalDeflateResponsesCompleted> |
Total responses deflated |
Total responses deflated |
<HitsTotalDeflateResponsesFailed> |
Total failed attempts to deflate the response |
Total failed attempts to deflate the response |
<HitsTotalDroppedBusinessModeExtension> |
Total dropped due to business mode and
extension |
Total dropped due to business mode and extension |
<HitsTotalDroppedBusinessModeResponse> |
Total dropped due to business mode and
response |
Total dropped due to business mode and response |
<HitsTotalDroppedByDelimagesFeature> |
Total dropped due to businessIT mode and
DelImages feature set |
Total image hits meeting specified criteria dropped due to DelImages being enabled in the PCA |
<HitsTotalDroppedInvalidMethod> |
Total dropped due to invalid HTTP method |
Total hits dropped because of an invalid http method |
<HitsTotalDroppedByParseRequest> |
Total dropped due to HTTP request parsing
errors |
Total hits dropped by parserequest function |
<HitsTotalDroppedByParseResponse> |
Total dropped due to HTTP response parsing
errors |
Total hits dropped by parse response function |
<HitsTotalDroppedByPrivacy> |
Total dropped by privacy rules |
Total hits dropped by privacy |
<HitsTotalDroppedBySampling> |
Total dropped by sampling |
Total hits dropped by sampling |
<HitsTotalDroppedHitArrivedTooLate> |
Total dropped because hit arrived too
late |
Total dropped because hit arrived too late
<HitsTotalDroppedMaxDataSize> |
Total dropped because hit exceeds max
data size |
Total hits dropped due to the hit exceeding the max size |
<HitsTotalDroppedReqHeaderExceedsMaxReqSize> |
Total dropped due to HTTP request hdr
too large |
Total hits dropped due to the request header exceeding the max size |
<HitsTotalDroppedTcldHitError> |
Total dropped tcld hits error |
Total hits dropped for the tcld process due to some error condition |
<HitsAssembledHitsProcessedPerSecAvg> |
Average assembled hits processed per second |
Average number of hits processed/sec |
<HitsAssembledHitsProcessedPerSecCurrent> |
Current assembled hits processed per second |
Current number of hits processed/sec |
<HitsAssembledHitsProcessedPerSecMax> |
Maximum assembled hits processed per second |
Max number of hits processed/sec |
<HitsAssembledHitQueueBlocksUsedAvg> |
Average assembled-hit queue blocks used |
Average assembled-hit queue blocks used |
<HitsAssembledHitQueueBlocksUsedCurrent> |
Current assembled-hit queue blocks used |
Current assembled-hit queue blocks used |
<HitsAssembledHitQueueBlocksUsedMax> |
Maximum assembled-hit queue blocks used |
Maximum assembled-hit queue blocks used |
<HitsAssembledHitQueueCurrentBlocksUsedPct> |
Current assembled-hit queue blocks used
percent |
Current assembled-hit queue blocks used percent |
<HitsAssembledHitQueueCurrentEntriesUsedPct> |
Current assembled-hit queue entries used
percent |
Current assembled-hit queue entries used percent |
<HitsAssembledHitQueueEntriesUsedAvg> |
Average assembled-hit queue entries used |
Average assembled-hit queue entries used |
<HitsAssembledHitQueueEntriesUsedCurrent> |
Current assembled-hit queue entries used |
Current assembled-hit queue entries used |
<HitsAssembledHitQueueEntriesUsedMax> |
Maximum assembled-hit queue entries used |
Maximum assembled-hit queue entries used |
<HitsAssembledHitQueueTotalAllocationFailures> |
Total assembled-hit queue allocation failures |
Total assembled-hit queue allocation failures This statistic is displayed as
the |
<HitsAssembledHitQueueTotalMisses> |
Total assembled-hit queue misses |
Total assembled-hit queue misses |
<HitsAssembledHitQueueTotalPushFailures> |
Total assembled-hit queue push failures |
Total assembled-hit queue push failures |
<HitsAssembledHitQueue2TotalAllocationFailures> |
Total assembled-hit queue2 allocation
failures |
Total count of hits that were unable to allocate space on the queue between
pipeline(s) and the tcld process. Normal values are zero or a non-increasing count. You can use
metric to determine whether the tcld process is being overloaded. This statistic is displayed as
the |
<HitsAssembledHitQueue2TotalPushFailures> |
Total assembled-hit queue 2 push failures |
Total count of hits that failed to queue up on the queue between pipeline(s) and tcld process. Normal values are zero or a non-increasing count. You can use this metric to determine if the tcld process is being overloaded. |
<AveragePageSize> |
Average page size |
Average page size (capture type 1) in bytes. |
<TotalPageSize> |
Total page size |
Used to calculate page views per second |
<PageViewsPerSecMax> |
Max page views per second |
Maximum page views per second. |
<PageViewsPerSecCur> |
Current page views per second |
Current page views per second. |
<PageViewsPerSecAvg> |
Average page views per second |
Average page views per second. |
<PageViewPct> |
Page view percentage of hits |
The percentage of hits that is page views. |
<HitsTotalTlapiReqNullErrors> |
Total TLAPI request null errors |
Total TLAPI request null errors |
<HitsTotalTlapiRespCorruptErrors> |
Total TLAPI response corrupt errors |
Total TLAPI response corrupted errors |
<HitsTotalTlapiResp NullErrors> |
Total TLAPI response null errors |
Total TLAPI response null errors |