As needed, you can clear all data that is stored in the database and the active Canisters for the selected dimension. For example, you might discover that your dimension data set contains a high number of unwanted values that are caused by a poorly defined dimension or a change to the web application that is monitored.
Note: Purging dimension data removes all of the list data types for the specified dimension from the Tealeaf databases and all active canisters. This step cannot be reverted.
Purged data includes:
- Event data from report groups using the dimension
- Top Mover data for this dimension
- Dimension values
- Dimension filters in Report Builder and Top Movers reports
Note: Reports using dimension filters must be reconfigured after dimension purging.
- Group lists that are not whitelisted.
Note: Group lists that are whitelisted, dimension values that are whitelisted, and dimension values that are blacklisted are retained.
- Scorecard data
- Log and performance data
You can also purge event data.
Effects of purging data
As a result of purging of the above data, the following effects may occur:
- Because dimension filters are purged, any reports that are filtering on the purged dimension retain the filter yet have no values. If the filter values were contained in a whitelist, then the report contains no data and appears to be broken.
- Scorecards that are configured to filter using a dimension value have the entire filter that is removed and are still available. As a result, the counts reported in the scorecard may appear to suddenly increase.
- Saved searches for sessions or visitors using event + dimension combinations that include a specific dimension value now contain just the event as the search term. When the search is loaded, the dimension value is replaced by the
<Any Dimension>
indicator. - Alerts using this dimension are cleared and set to inactive.
- In general, in the locations in the Portal where references to specific dimension values were used, these values are cleared.
- Dimension data that is recorded in the requests of the sessions is not purged. You can still search for this data through the Portal.
- After you purge the data, you cannot edit the dimension values for the dimension until the Data Collector completed its operations to purge values from each Canister. These operations occur every five minutes.
- When a dimension is purged, it is automatically switched to
Whitelist Only
method of recording.- If you specified a whitelist, it is retained.
- If you did not specify a whitelist, no data is captured to the dimension until you enable logging, download values, and then upload your defined whitelist.
- For reports that use this dimension, you might need to refresh the Report Builder to see the removal of dimension data.