Static content is not stored with the session data. When references to static content are detected in the session data, the Replay Server performs requests to the origin server based on one of the following modes.
- Blacklist mode: By default, the Replay Server operates in blacklist mode, in which it makes requests to the origin server for any static content. If the Replay Server is unable to satisfy the request through local resources, such as a cache, then the request is made back to the origin server.
- Whitelist mode: In Whitelist mode, Replay Server is prevented from contact the origin server by default. In many environments, contacting the origin server from the replay client is either forbidden or undesirable.
- You must specify white list rules that identify the URL patterns that are permitted to contact the origin server. For each rule that you configure, one or more URLs are defined to be permitted to contact the origin server for static content for the specified domain.
- For example, you can create regular expression patterns to identify the file extensions of content that the Replay Server is permitted to retrieve from the origin server. All URLs that match the regular expression pattern are permitted to contact the origin server.
- Whitelist mode must be enabled on each Replay Server in your environment.
- After you have enabled whitelist mode, you must configure white list rules.
Note: In Blacklist mode, White List mode is disabled, and white list rules are ignored. If Replay Server is operating in Blacklist mode and you wish to prevent contact with the origin server, you can specify a BlockUrl
rule in your replay profile, which prevents the Replay Server from contacting the origin server for the specified URLs. Blocked pages cannot be displayed during replay.
Configuring replay rules
The Replay Server supports the creation of a custom set of replay rules to apply to BBR sessions. These rules are managed by the master Replay Server, which publishes them on request to the other slave Replay Servers.
If you deploy white lists in an environment with multiple Replay Servers, additional configuration is required.
Replay server plugins
To manage the matching of requests to responses in a session, Tealeaf provides a set of plugins for the Replay Server, which can be used to match post data to the appropriate response during replay. These plugins manage the matching for specific content-types.