For the following examples, the list of events that are used in the scorecard definition is as follows.
The following events are based on Tealeaf request variables:
HTTP Status Code
HTTP 400 - Bad Request
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
HTTP 402 - Payment Required
HTTP 403 - Forbidden
HTTP 404 - Not Found
HTTP 405 - Method Not Allowed
HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error
Googlebot Visit
MSNbot Visit
Hit property exceeds threshold value
Large Page Size
Long Page Generation Time
Page Generation > 5s
- Create this Boolean event to evaluate the output of thePage Generation Time
event.Page Generation Time > 10s
- Create this Boolean event to evaluate the output of thePage Generation Time
event.Page Generation Time > 15s
- Create this Boolean event to evaluate the output of thePage Generation Time
event.Page Generation Time > 20s
- Create this Boolean event to evaluate the output of thePage Generation Time
0-sized response
- Create Boolean event to detect value of the
Session Response MB
event is equal to0
Note: These events must be created for your specific web application to detect the URLs of the pages where these business functions are performed.
Checkout: Sign-in
Checkout: Billing and Shipping
Checkout: Payment
Checkout: Summary
Checkout: Confirmation
Web Application 1
Web Application
Came from Login Page
- Create this event to detect the value of theREFERRER
item in the request that is indicating the login page of your web application.Came from shopping cart
- Create this event to detect the value of theREFERRER
item in the request that is indicating the shopping cart page of your web application.
Login field in [urlfield] section of Tealeaf request
- Non-blank login field
- Login field not present
Useful events based on response text
- Error uncompressing page
- Global Error Page
- Credit Card Declined
- Credit Card Number Invalid
- Credit Card Zip Code Mismatch
Compound Events
- Came to Billing page from shopping cart: Events 1(e)ii
1(f)ii - Came to Billing page sign-in through login: Events 1(e)ii
1(g)i - Came to Billing page through anonymous sign-in: Events 1(e)ii
1(g)ii - Checkout count:
of all Events in 1e - Page Generation Time > 5s in Checkout: Events 1(c)iiA
3d - Page Generation Time > 10s in Checkout: Events 1(c)iiB
3d - Page Generation Time > 15s in Checkout: Events 1(c)iiC
3d - Page Generation Time > 20s in Checkout: Events 1(c)iiD
3d - 0-sized response in Checkout: Events 1d
3d - Global Error Page in Checkout: Events 2b
3d - HTTP 40x - 403
404 Errors: Events 1(a)ivOR
1(a)v - Web Application 1 - 40x Errors: Events 1(e)vi
3k - Web Application 1 - 500 Errors: Events 1(e)vi
1(a)vii - Web Application 1 - Long Page Time: Events 1(e)vi
1(c)iiE - Web Application 1 - Large Page Size: Events 1(e)vi
1(c)i - Web Application 2 - 40x Errors: Events 1(e)vii
3k - Web Application 2 - 500 Errors: Events 1(e)vii
1(a)vii - Web Application 2 - Long Page Time: Events 1(e)vii
1(c)iiE - Web Application 2 - Large Page Size: Events 1(e)vii
Example: Checkout
In this example, the KPI scorecard measures the performance of key pages in the following checkout process.
- Create scorecard: Define per-hit events to detect the following conditions:
- Create a simple per-hit event that detects all HTTP client error (4xx) status codes by looking for the following string in the request:
- Create a simple per-hit event that detects all HTTP server error (5xx) status codes by looking for the following string in the request:
- Create an
After Every Hit
event that uses the above two events as conditions to detect all HTTP error status codes. - Create five
After Every Hit
events that detect the preceding error-detecting event when it occurs on each of the five pages that are listed as Process Steps. - Create an
After Every Hit
event of all the page-specific events that are defined in the previous step to detect the error-detecting event when it occurs on any of the Process Step pages.
- Create a simple per-hit event that detects all HTTP client error (4xx) status codes by looking for the following string in the request:
- Create scorecard: Create a KPI scorecard that uses Negative Comparison.
- Use the event that is detecting the process's first page (which can be either
). Configure the count of this event to be the scorecard's activity indicator. - In the scorecard, create a single availability group by using the five page-specific "all errors" events and weight them by the importance of each page. These weights can be used to define the availability letter grade.
For example, the grading weights can be:
- HTTP error code on
/addtobasket.jsp OR /getsavedbasket.jsp
: 5% - HTTP error code on
: 20%. - HTTP error code on
: 10%. - HTTP error code on
: 15%. - HTTP error code on
: 50%.
- HTTP error code on
Example: Checkout errors
Define the following KPI groups for checkout errors.
Global Error Page in Checkout
0-sized response in Checkout
Page Generation Time > 5s in Checkout
Page Generation Time > 10s in Checkout
Page Generation Time > 15s in Checkout
Page Generation Time > 20s in Checkout
Checkout Paths
Came to Billing page from shopping cart
Came to Billing page sign in through login
Example: Spiders
Define the following KPI groups for spider visits.
Googlebot Visit
MSNbot Visit
Example: Transaction failures
Define the following KPI groups for credit card failures.
Credit Card Declined
Credit Card Number Invalid
Credit Card Zip Code Mismatch
Example: Unacceptable response time
Define the following KPI groups for response time errors.
Page Generation Time > 5s
Page Generation Time > 10s
Page Generation Time > 15s
Page Generation Time > 20s
Example: Multiple applications
Define the following KPI groups for two web applications.
Web Application 1 - 40x Errors
Web Application 1 - 500 Errors
Web Application 1 - Long Page Time
Web Application 1 - Large Page Size
Web Application 2 - Large Page Size