Tealeaf can capture, process, and analyze the bi-directional data stream between visitors to your website and the web servers in real-time.
Use the Active option on the Portal menubar to review reports of the current activities for your website's visitors, as well as a means to define events that trigger alerts for your review.
Display active status for hit and session activity
You can display the active status of short-term hit and session activity. The data that is displayed is based on the last known state of the canister.
You display status information for an individual Tealeaf CX server or for all known canisters.
When active sessions reach the time-out period or are ended by the visitor, the sessions are closed and moved to the long-term canister for indexing. They are no longer active sessions.
To display the active status for hit and session activity:
- Log on to the Portal.
- From the menubar, select Active > Status.
- Use options from the tool bar to control the data that is displayed.
- From the Tealeaf CX Server field, select the Canister from which to gather the active status.
To display the report for all Canisters in the environment, select
<All Servers>
. The displayed charts and detail tables are similar. - Select Manually Refresh to disable automatic refresh. The report data is refreshed only if you click Refresh.
By default, the report refreshes automatically every minute.
The Activity statistics for live user sessions are displayed.
- From the Tealeaf CX Server field, select the Canister from which to gather the active status.
Interpret Active Status report data
The Active Status report includes three graphical charts that contain information about session, page, and hit distribution for all canisters or for an individual canister. Additionally, a table listing the Session Activity is displayed beneath the graphical charts.
Chart | Description |
Session Distribution |
Each bar represents the number of sessions in the short-term canister of the specified CX Server, which is broken down into Single-Hit Sessions and Multi-Hit Sessions. |
Single Page Sessions |
Displays two bars for each canister as follows:
Hit Distribution |
Each bar represents the number total hits for all sessions in the short-term canister of the specified CX Server. |
Computation | Description |
Single Hit Sessions |
The number of active sessions with only a single hit. |
Multi-Hit Sessions |
The number of active sessions with multiple hits. |
Computation | Description |
Stand-Alone Hits |
The number of single-hit sessions divided by total hits per canister. This computation represents the percentage of hits that are single-hit sessions. |
Single Hit Sessions |
The number of single-hit sessions divided by total sessions per canister. This computation represents the percentage of sessions that are single-hit sessions. |
Computation | Description |
Hits |
The total count of hits currently in the selected Canister or Canisters. |
The Session Activity table contains information about the short-term canister as described in the following list:
Field | Description |
Sessions |
The total number of sessions in the short-term canister. |
Single-Page Sessions |
The number of session that are containing only one page. |
Hits |
Shows all hits that are entering the canister. |
Pages (*.aspx, *.jsp, *.do) |
The number of hits on text-based pages. |
Non-Pages (*.gif, *.jpg) |
The number of hits that are on images and other binary resources. |
List Active Sessions
You can list all sessions that are currently active.
The Active Sessions report queries the Short-Term Canister or Canisters and returns all currently active sessions.
To list all currently active sessions:
- Log on to the Portal.
- From the menubar, select Active > Sessions.
This list is initially populated with all STC sessions that have multiple hits.
- Click Limit Hits To to select additional filters.
- Click Refresh to refresh the display.
When you have a list of Active Sessions, you can work with the data in a variety of ways. You can:
- Use the command icons to:
- Replay sessions
- Display the web pages in the session.
- Display storage and user information for the session.
- Show Server Results Distribution
- Use the report columns to learn about the sessions in the list
- Apply filters to the list of Sessions
- Group data in a way that suits your viewing needs
Set columns for your Session list report
Use the Session List Templates to set the columns for the your Session list report.
Session list templates are used to set the appearance and the data of the list of sessions returned from a search. The Session List templates allow you to control the display of session data.
Tealeaf administrators can create and configure session list templates.
To set the columns for your Session list report with a Session List Template:
From the Active Sessions list report, select a template option from the Session List Template field.
The list of available templates always includes a standard default template. Additionally, any templates created and configured by your administrator are listed.
When you select template from the Session List Template field, the columns for your Session list report are displayed in accordance with the template configuration.
Work with the Active Events report
After displaying the Active Events, use the sort and view capabilities to control the display of data.
By default, the report is configured to display event counts across all Tealeaf servers.
Events are organized by default according to event labels. Clear the View by Labels check box to see the events in alphabetical order.
Click any column header to sort event types in ascending or descending order.
Field | Description |
Watch |
When the list is displayed in alphabetical order, you can select events to watch. When you sort by this column, these events are grouped and displayed at the top of the list. |
Label/Event |
When the list is displayed in alphabetical order, you can select events to watch. When you sort by this column, these events are grouped and displayed at the top of the list. |
Live Count |
The number of instances of the event in the Short-Term Canister
Click any non-zero value in this column to show all matching sessions of the current type. Note: Some events might displayed multiple times in a single session. |
To review details on an event, move the mouse over its icon.
The event ID is an internal identifier that is displayed in the tooltip for the event in the Events tab.
Work with the Alert status
You can monitor the status of each Alert configured for the Tealeaf system and work with the status information provided.
The Alert Monitor displays the status of each alert configured for the system.
Note: Top Mover alerts do not display in the Alert Monitor.
Alerts are generated by the Alert Service.
Users with the appropriate permissions can create and configure alerts through the Event Manager.
To monitor the status for Alerts:
- From the Portal, select Active > Alert Monitor.
The list of Alerts by Status and by Group are displayed in the pane on the left.
You can review the status color coding for each alert listed.
Table 6. Alert status codes and icons Alert status code Icon Description 0 Green light OK 1 Yellow light Warning 2 Red light Alert 3 Gray light Suppressed 4 Empty Pending (Negative Alert) - Insufficient data to evaluate. An evaluation is not possible until the entire time period of the Alert Interval is occurred. 5 Empty Pending (Ratio Alert) - Denominator fails to meet minimum condition for alert calculation. A minimum count value for the denominator event must occur before evaluation is possible. - To view the detail information for an Alert, click on an Alert listed in the List pane on the left.
The Alert is displayed in the View pane on the right.
- Select the Alert from the View pane to display the Alert State window and a graph of the Alert activity.
The Detail pane contains an Alert State window for a selected alert and (regardless of current alert state) and a minute-by-minute list of details of past history in a table.
Table 7. Alert State information Details Description Value Current value
Status Graphical representation of status
Interval start Time of current alert interval start
Interval End Time of current alert interval end
Alert Threshold Value to trigger an alert
Warn Threshold Value to trigger a warning
Alert History Link to download minute-level data
- Click the Download link in the Alert State window to export the contents of the alert detail data to an Excel (.XLS) file.
- Click the links in the Search in field to run a search as described in the link text
The search criterion is based on the event the alert originated from.
The following limitations apply to search links:
- Alerts that are based on canister events do not have Search links available. Since canister event data is not stored with session data, search cannot be used to find these sessions.
- Alerts based on categories of session-end events cannot be searched against live sessions. These types of events are not fired until the end of the session, which has not yet occurred in a live session.
- Search drill-downs are disabled for ratio alerts.
- Drill-down is disabled for events for which searching is impossible. For example, you cannot drill down to active sessions for events based on triggers that are not fired until the end of the session or that are configured to be discarded or to have their final occurrence tracked.