You can use BBR to replay sessions that contain "hybrid" data (data captured from a mobile device and from a webView).
Hybrid Replay for Tealeaf requires the mobile device SDK.
To support Native Hybrid replay, make sure that the following directory structure was created on the machine where Replay Server is installed:
- For Native Replay:
- <install_directory>\ReplayServer\Idt
The Idt folder contains the dojo library.
- <install_directory>\ReplayServer\TLT
The TLT folder contains the native replay templates.
- <install_directory>\ReplayServer\Idt
- For Hybrid Replay:
- <install_directory>\ReplayServer\Apps\mobile app name\mobile app verson\images
- <install_directory>\ReplayServer\Apps\mobile app name\mobile app verson\css
to <install_directory>\ReplayServer\Apps\mobile app name\mobile app verson\.Replaying sessions that contain data that was captured from multiple sources, is known as Hybrid replay.
If you are using BBR for Hybrid replay, you must upload to the Replay server all the static resources captured from the mobile device. Examples of static resources include image files and cascading style sheet (css) files.
Upload the static resources into the following directory:
ReplayServer/Apps/mobile app name/mobile app verson/
where the values for mobile app name and mobile app verson are pulled from the JSON hit. For example:
"serialNumber": 0,
"messageVersion": "",
"sessions": [
"startTime": 1328311295574,
"id": "945202AC4E93104E05EDADE1F6059B97",
"messages": [
"offset": 124,
"contextOffset": 4556,
"type": 2,
"logicalPageName": "HomeActivity"
"clientEnvironment": {
"height": 800,
"osVersion": "2.2",
"pixelDensity": 1.5,
"width": 480,
"deviceHeight": 533.3300170898438,
"osType": "Android",
"mobileEnvironment": {
"appName": "sdkTest4",
"android": {
"keyboardType": "QWERTY",
"brand": "generic",
"fingerPrint": "generic/sdk/generic/:2.2/FRF91/43546:eng/test-keys"
"totalMemory": 459243520,
"totalStorage": 45568,
"orientationType": "PORTRAIT",
"appVersion": "1.0",
"manufacturer": "unknown",
"userId": "d192d257-b308-42cf-aacc-2dd034c232bd",
"locale": "English (United States)",
"deviceModel": "Android Simulator",
"language": "English"
"deviceWidth": 320
Using the previous code as an example, the path into which you upload the static resources is: