There are several reports available for Tealeaf administrators.
System status
The System Status report provides status information from key Tealeaf systems, including:
- Canisters
- DecoupleEx session agent
- Canister storage devices
- The Health-Based Routing session agent
- Tealeaf databases
- Data Collector
System Statistics
The System Statistics report can be used to review summary and detail data that is extracted from Statistics hits that are generated by some Tealeaf components and forwarded through the Windows™ pipeline for processing. You can review preconfigured or custom reports for statistical information that is collected from the following components, when configured to deliver statistics hits:
- DecoupleEx session agent
- Canisters
- Passive Capture Application
User Activity
The User Activity report provides user audit information about a set of common user and administrator actions in the Portal. User activity, search, and replay reports can be configured to display information about selected audit events by user group and focus period.