The sessions that you share are accessed by other Tealeaf users through a URL on the Tealeaf server. You can share sessions by email or by copying and pasting the session link URL.
Emailing sessions for replay to other Tealeaf users
You can email your sessions for replay to other Tealeaf users.
To send the URL of the session by email:
- Select Options > Sessions > Send Link by Email.
- Enter the email addresses of the users.
Note: Separate each email address by a comma. Do not include spaces. The list of email addresses is authenticated against known users of the Tealeaf system.
- Enter a title for the replay session. This title is displayed as the display text for the URL link.
- If needed, you can include a message with your replay link.
Note: You do not need to include the URL in the message.
- To send the message, click OK.
Copying session links
You can copy and paste session replay links.
If needed for other purposes, you can retrieve and copy the URL of a session for replay to the clipboard of your local desktop for pasting elsewhere.
- Select Options > Session > Copy Link To Session from the BBR toolbar.
- Copy and paste the link as needed.