Based on the data-driven metrics on dwell time for specific fields, you can use the Form Analytics overlay to evaluate if visitors are confused by individual fields and if they are quitting a process because of the form.
The default Form Analytics report displays the Form Funnel report.
Viewing a session from the Form Funnel report
The Form Funnel report shows the percentage of visitors who accessed each field based on the number of visitors who started filling out the form. The number of visitors who started filling out the form is defined as the count of entries in the first form field that is not disabled.
For example, if 500 people view a page and 100 of the visitors enter a value in the first enabled field in a form, then the value 100 is the denominator for calculations. If only 60 of those 100 visitors were able to complete the form, the drop off value is 40%, and the completion value is 60%.
The report displays the completion percentage of each field. You can hover your mouse over the field to view the exact number of users that continued to the next field and the number of users that abandoned the form before they went to the next field. The field with the highest drop-off rate is displayed in bold and red colored text.
The elements on the form also include a count of visits, which represents a comparative analysis of the participation between the two elements. So, let's say Form Element A had 10 visits (interactions). If Form Element B (the next element on the form) had 6 interactions, that means 4 of the 10 visits in Form Element A skipped interacting with Form Element B.
The report also displays the total completion and drop-off rates for the entire form. This information can help optimize a form to improve the conversion rate. For example, if some fields are rarely getting completed and your drop-off rate is too high, you might infer that the fields should be redesigned, made optional, or removed from the form.
You can also view completed and abandoned sessions for a selected field in the Form Funnel report.
To view a session from the Form Funnel report:
- Move your cursor over a form field in the Form Funnel report.
- Click the session view icon to the right of the field name.
- Select one of the following options:
- View Completed Sessions: For a selected field, you can generate a set of
sessions that meet the following criteria for the specified date range.
The first active form field is present (Whitelist first form field Target ID dimension value). The selected form field is present (Whitelist selected form field Target ID dimension value).
- View Abandoned Sessions: For a selected field, you can generate a set of
sessions that meet the following criteria for the specified date range.
The first active form field is present (Whitelist first form field Target ID dimension value). The selected form field is not present (Blacklist selected form field Target ID dimension value).
- View Completed Sessions: For a selected field, you can generate a set of
sessions that meet the following criteria for the specified date range.
Generated reports are displayed as a set of sessions in the Portal.
From the Session List, you can analyze or replay the sessions.
Dwell Time report
The Dwell Time report displays the average dwell time in seconds for each field in the form. The field with the highest dwell time is displayed in red and bold text.
The names of each field in the form are displayed with a bar graph and the average amount of
time, in seconds, that the field is focused on. The example Dwell Time report shows that the
field has an average dwell time of 14 seconds.
To see the object to which an item corresponds, move the mouse over the name of the field in the
report. You can also exclude a field by placing the mouse cursor over the field; then, click the
- icon next to the field. When the field is excluded, the data for the field
is displayed as Excluded
. To include the field back into the report, click the
+ icon.
You can also reorder the report by dragging the left margin of a field up or down in the list.
Repeats report
cxOverstat can track the number of times a user clicks in each field more than once. A counter is used for each field to track how many extra times a user placed the cursor in the field.
For example, if a user clicked in a field 3 times, the counter records two repeats. The Repeats report displays each field on the web page and how many times after the initial click that each field was clicked again. A high number of repeated clicks can indicate a problem with the field or the instructions for the field. The field with the highest number of clicks is displayed in red and bold text.
The names of each field are defined in the HTML object for the field.
The names of each field in the form are displayed with a bar graph and the number of extra times that the user placed the cursor in the field.
To see the object to which an item corresponds, move the mouse over the name of the field in the
report. You can also exclude a field by placing the mouse cursor over the field; then, click the
- icon next to the field. When the field is excluded, the data for the field
is displayed as Excluded
. To include the field back into the report, click the
+ icon.
You can also reorder the report by dragging the left margin of a field up or down in the list.
Conversion rates
Conversion rate is the percentage of all unique visitors who take a wanted action upon visiting your site. Most companies typically think of conversion rate in the context of making a purchase or transaction, but the wanted action can also be submitting a sales lead, viewing a key page of the site, downloading a white paper, or some other measurable action.
The following conversion rates are reported at the bottom of each Form Analytics report:
Metric | Description |
Completion |
This metric indicates the percentage of visitors who completed the form that is compared to the number of visitors who started the form. |
Deltas | This metric indicates the percentage of visitors who completed a previous field but abandoned the form before they entered a value for the current field. |
Drop Off |
This metric indicates the percentage of visitors who dropped off the form before they completed it when compared to the number of visitors who started the form. |
Averaged across X counts |
This metric is the focus-count value of the first active form field and is used as the
denominator for the completion percentage calculations. For each form field, the focus count is
divided by X , which returns the completion percentage. |