For POSTed pages, you can compare the posted data from the page to the data that was posted during RTV replay. Using this feature, you can track down discrepancies that can impede or break replay of AJAX-based web applications.
For example, suppose that you identify a page in which a 404 error occurred while you are requesting content during the replay. When you right-click the data and select Pages > Diff, the following information can be displayed:
Matches: 16
Captured diffs: 1
Requested diffs: 1
In the preceding example, 16 items on the destination page were matches, and one was not. You can compare the captured diff counts and data to the requested diff counts and data to analyze the issue: A difference in the date parameter caused the request to generate the 404 error.
With the provided information, you can create replay rules to ignore these requests or to remap them to the original URL to best match the original request during replay.