Many sites use framed pages. There are two kinds of frames that are commonly encountered in websites: framesets and IFrames. A site can use no frames, framesets, IFrames, or almost any combination. A frameset can include an IFrame in one of its child frames.
For RTV to render a correct user impression, RTV must first render the outmost enclosing frameset and then render the inner frames. For this reason, RTV displays the child frame only if it is encountered before the parent. For example, if you open RTV on a specific child frame instead of starting at the first page of the session and stepping through the pages, the child page is rendered as if that was the only content that the visitor saw in the user-impression.
Correctly reassembling these pieces into the proper display requires the web application to be diligent in following W3C coding standards to identify the frame into which the child belongs. If the application neglects to supply this information, RTV can be configured with replay rules to instruct it where to place the child page. This configuration information is stored in the Profile.
Each RTV user can control how child frames are displayed in Replay view. Child frames and IFrames can be reassembled into a single user-impression or as individual Request/Response hits.
The following example shows the HTML used to render a frameset.
<frameset rows="85,*" framespacing=0 border=0 frameborder="0">
<frame name="top" src="index.cfm?fuseaction=creditFramesTop"
marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="no">
<frame name="main" src="index.cfm?fuseaction=creditAppEntry&pr=XX"
marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="yes" frameborder="no">
This frameset has two child frames: one called top
and one called
. In the standard W3C convention, a single page with no frames or child pages
is identified as _top
, which can be confusing for people who are
trying to understand the website and visitor's interaction (like RTV users). While you can use
for a frame name is valid for a frameset, you must avoid doing so for RTV
users.Since there are a number of ways for JavaScript™ to change a frame's content, it is important to provide a hint to RTV. In the Viewable Pages List, right-click a page and place it in the wanted frame.
An example of the HTML used to render an IFrame.
<IFRAME border=0 marginWidth=0
marginHeight=0 src="/html/privacy/esign.html" frameBorder=1
IFrames hold content that comes from a subsequent hit. The src
tag in the IFrame
directive is calling a web server for data to place in the IFrame. The IFrame must have a
attribute for RTV to be able to properly place this content in the parent
user-impression with no hints required.