Unique identifier for this frame. Same tltid
is added to the serialized
HTML source of the parent.
Supported frameworks | Experience Analytics UI Capture |
Path | <global>.<session>.<message>.domCapture.<frames>.tltid
Description | A unique identifier for this frame. Same tltid is added to the serialized
HTML source of the parent. |
Value | An opaque string that is unique within the context of this DOM snapshot message. |
Limitations | None. |
Dependencies | Used by Replay. |
This example shows a Type 12 DOM capture message with frames:
// DOM Capture messages use type 12
"type": 12,
// The standard UIC message properties
"offset": 16821,
"screenviewOffset": 16817,
"count": 5,
"fromWeb": true,
"domCapture": {
"dcid": "dcid-3"
"charset": "ISO-8859-1",
"root": "<html><body><iframe id="greeting.html" tltid="tlt-4"/></body></html>",
"host": "http://www.uictest.com",
"url": "/h4/dcTest.html",
"eventOn": true,
"frames": [
"tltid": "tlt-4",
"root": "<html><body>Hello, World!</body></html>",
"charset": "ISO-8859-1",
"host": "http://www.uictest.com",
"url": "/h4/greeting.html"
"canvas": []