Used to identify which webview the message came from. This field is only used when
is true and the application is a hybrid application.
Supported frameworks | Experience Analytics UI Capture |
Path | <global>.<session>.<message>.webviewId |
Description | Used to identify which webview the message came from. This field can appear in any JSON
message where fromWeb is true and the application is a hybrid application.
Value | webviewn where n is the identifier for the webview that generated the JSON |
Limitations | None |
Dependencies | BBR uses this to determine which webview produced the JSON and to know what to highlight or select. |
This example shows an Application Context (Type 2) message with the webivewId
"count": 2,
"dcid": "dcid-1.1429298094152s",
"fromWeb": true,
"offset": 2010,
"screenview": {
"host": "file://",
"name": "root",
"referrer": "",
"type": "LOAD",
"url": "/android_asset/mobile_domcap/embeddedGesturesMenu.html"
"screenviewOffset": 0,
"type": 2,
"webviewId": "tl.hybridhtmlembedded:id/myWebView1"