The width in CSS pixels of the target object.
Supported frameworks | Android, iOS, Experience Analytics UI Capture |
Path | <global>.<session>.<message>.target.position.width |
Description | Width in CSS pixels of the target object |
Value | Integer |
Limitations | None |
Dependencies | cxOverstat uses this information for producing heat maps. |
This example shows a type 4 control message:
"messageVersion": "",
"serialNumber": 2,
"sessions": [
"id": "ID13H56M10S772R0.955239302458247",
"startTime": 1343076970772,
"timezoneOffset": 420,
"messages": [
"type": 4,
"offset": 17329,
"screenviewOffset": 17327,
"count": 8,
"fromWeb": true,
"target": {
"id": "bi",
"idType": -1,
"name": "buttonInput",
"type": "INPUT",
"subType": "button",
"position": {
"width": 67,
"height": 22,
"relXY": "0.5,0.3"
"prevState": {...},
"currState": {...},
"isParentLink": false
"event": {
"type": "click"
"clientEnvironment": {...}