This article provides several use cases that you can reference to export a list of SMS contacts who performed specific actions.
Create a query
Create a query to find contacts who interacted with any SMS program. Only use one SMS program per query.
- Go to Data > Queries > Create.
- In Save as queries, complete the following fields and then click OK:
- Choose database to query: Select the SMS-enabled database that includes the contacts you want to query.
- Save query as: Name the query. The best practice is to include the SMS program name in the query name.
- Location: Save the query in a Shared or Private folder.
- Type: Select Query.
Note: The contact's current status may be different than the status when you run the query.
Export the query
Now that you have your contact data from your query results, you can export that list.
- Go to Data > Queries.
- Click the query name that you created in Step 1 to open the Query summary page.
- Click Export.
- In Export contact source, choose your criteria and click Next.
- Click Submit to run the data job. You can choose to receive an email notification when the job completes.
- The Data job submitted confirmation page provides a Data Job ID link. Click the Data Job Link ID link to open the Data job detail page and view the details and download the file.
Export contacts who opted in/opted out of a text to join program
- Create a query.
- In Add criteria, click Profile, click Channel, and then select one fo the following channel behaviors: Is opted-in to or Is opted-out of.
- Configure the Target options below and then save it:
- In Channel, select SMS.
- In Text to join program(s), click Choose to select the Text to Join program created in the SMS Campaign Manager.
- Click Done.
- Export the query.
Export contacts who opted in/opted out of an SMS program within a timeframe
- Create a query.
- In Add criteria, click Behavior and then select Universal behavior.
- Select the query options below and then click Done and Save:
- Behavior: Select Has and select Interacted with a SMS program.
- Target: Complete the criteria below. All other criteria should default to Any.
- Program name: Select is equal to. In the field, enter the program name created in the SMS Campaign Manager.
- Set consent: Select is equal to. In the field, enter 'opted-in' or 'opted-out'.
- Timeframe: Configure the timeframe.
- Export the query.
Export contacts who interacted with any SMS program
In this use case, you'll create a query and then export the query on the Query summary page.
SMS program used in the use case: Any SMS program
See Find SMS Data using Universal Behaviors for more information.
- Create a query.
- In Add criteria, click Behavior and then select Universal behavior.
- Select the query options below and then save it:
- Behavior: Select Has and select Interacted with a SMS program.
- Target: Complete the criteria below. All other criteria should default to any
- Program type: Select is equal to. In the field, type 'Text for info' or 'Text to join'.
- Timeframe: Configure the timeframe. In the image below, we selected within the last, '30', Days.
- Click Done.
- Export the query.
Export contacts who interacted with an SMS program including the SMS message body
Note: This option is available for SMS Campaign Manager only.
- Log in to the SMS Campaign Manager.
- Click Messages.
- Configure the following filter options on the left side of the page:
- Filter by campaign: Select Default event.
- Filter by program type: Select Text to join.
- Filter by program: Select All.
- View: Select All.
- Filter by channel: Select All.
- Click Go to run the data job. The results appear on the Messages page.
- Click Export Messages. An Opening Messages dialog box appears that gives you the option to save or open the CSV file. Make your selection and click OK.