Nobody likes having trouble getting to their money. If you work at a bank, you know this about customers already. In the days of brick and mortar bank offices and regular business hours, you could give the customer a reassuring smile while you resolved a banking problem. Today, in the era of online banking and remote call centers, you can’t do that. Pressured to reduce call times and call center costs, you need better problem-solving tools like Tealeaf to reassure and satisfy your customers.
For example, meet Molly. Molly is a long-time customer of a regional bank. It’s a Monday and she is having a bad day because she's struggling with the bank’s mobile app.
Molly regularly moves money between her accounts to pay bills online. She usually does this at home on her desktop, but today she’s on the go and decides to use the mobile app for the first time. Unfortunately, it’s not working for her.
She’s tried to make it work several times. She logs in, skips past the annoying promotional banner at the top of the screen and taps Transfers. She taps to select her source account. Taps again to select her destination account. So far, so good. At the bottom, she clicks Transfer. Then nothing. She tries again. Nothing. Third time, nothing. Now she’s late for work.
Instead, she taps the link at the top of the screen to start a support call. Sean in the call center answers. He gives Molly a few moments to describe the situation and her frustration. As she recounts her struggles with the mobile app, Sean uses her incoming phone number to locate her account information.
With Molly's account information in hand, Sean calls up his Tealeaf screen, and searches with her account number to find her current mobile app session and starts a session replay.
Sean sees where Molly has been tapping the Transfer button and notices that she never confirms the transfer, which is a link below the transfer button. He also notices that the screen is different from last week. He sees that the new promotional banner has pushed the confirmation button off the screen, forcing a mobile user to scroll down to see it. It looks like the mobile app team must have added the banner to the app over the weekend.
Molly is just finishing the story of her morning-gone-wrong. “So now what do I do?” she asks. Sean has already replayed and seen the problem, so he doesn’t need to force Molly to repeat her experience, which would probably aggravate her again. Instead, Sean is able to say, “OK Molly. I see the problem that you ran into. We can get past that right now. Let’s get your money moved.”
Sean tells Molly to scroll down. She’ll need to click the Confirm link to complete the transfer. Molly taps Confirm and moves her money, just as she wanted. Problem solved. She thanks Sean and gets on with her day, feeling better about her bank and its mobile app.
On the other side of the call, Sean is glad that he was able to turn the customer from angry to advocate. He figures out that the new promo banner at the top now pushes the confirmation link past the bottom of the screen on some iOS phones. He’ll assign a high-priority ticket to the mobile app team and include a link to a privacy-masked replay of this session, so that they can fix it with an emergency push later today.
As he prepares for his next call, Sean remembers the days before the bank implemented Tealeaf. These calls used to take twice as long and most of the customers left angry. He was always getting dinged for long queue times. Now, he can quickly see the customer’s struggles and fix them.
Tealeaf and session replay helps call center agents increase chances for positive outcomes and get to problem resolution faster for shorter queue times, reduced call duration, and lower overall call center costs. And for privacy-sensitive businesses like Sean’s bank, Tealeaf On Premises offers the security of keeping everything behind the firewall.