Include the following information when opening a support case regarding SMS-Kaleyra (formerly mGage).
- Pod number
- Org: as written in the upper right corner of Acoustic Campaign
- Username: Acoustic Campaign username
- SMS gateway: US or UK Instance
- Campaign name: the SMS campaign name
- Campaign ID: the SMS campaign ID
- Program name: the SMS program name used by the client for SMS
- Program ID: the mGage Communicate Pro Program ID that is being used by the client for SMS.
- SMS Text to Join "Originator" value: This is either the short/long code or an Alpha Sender ID/Custom Originator
- Contact Mobile Numbers (Also known as MDNs): The example mobile numbers that is experiencing the issue. Ideally, we need ideally around 10 if possible.
- Network provider: the network carrier, such as AT&T, Vodafone, etc., that the mobile number is registered with. Please provide this for each MDN provided.
- Screen shot of content of SMS Message (can be obtained from Acoustic Campaign - SMS Sent or via CSQT SX Drafts).
- Screenshot from the SMS campaign manager Messages tab highlighting the messages in question and expanded.
- Screenshot from each mobile device showing when the message arrived and how it was received.
Make sure that each screenshot is labeled as the mobile number receiving the message. Also, you'll need to confirm the time zone for each device screenshot.