Capture provides a set of utility tags you can use to add page content or functionality dynamically. These utility tags are defined in the same way as any other Capture tag.
Typically, there are two different versions of the utility tags allowing their placement in deployment groups that use either the head container or the default container. There may be some variation in the two versions of a tag as their placement in the head or body of the web page require tag fields appropriate to their placement. As with any other Capture tag, once the tag fields are defined and the custom tag saved, the custom tag will be added to the Capture utilities tag list.
Add/replace content
The Add/replace Content in default tag inserts or replaces the content in the parent container, depending on the value selected in the second tag field, with the HTML code defined in the New content field.
The Add/replace content in head tag replaces or adds content in the parent container in a Head page group. This tag is included only to allow a head page group to contain the tag in the unlikely event that is required. The tag will insert or replace content, depending on the value selected in the second tag field, with the HTML code defined in the New content field.
Load function
The Load function tag allows the client to define a JavaScript function in a Default section or Head section page group.
The function JavaScript code field is the code within the function and the Function parameters field should contain any function parameters needed by that code. The function JavaScript code field is a comma delimited field.
Load library
The Load library tag is designed to be used with Default container or Head container page groups.
- Required URL for the library
- Optional field to assign an ID to the library
- Callback function
The callback function does not allow parameters to be passed and its value should be the JavaScript code for that function. This tag creates that function and calls it when the library loads.
Load pixel
The Load pixel tag sends a pixel request in the default section or head section.
Load pixel in default
If the Pixel type chosen is IMAGE and there are no parameters other than the optional cache buster, the image request is created in memory and does not affect page registration.
If the pixel type is IMAGE or IFRAME and the Parent Div field has a value, the pixel is inserted in the Parent Div using the appropriate tag fields. The Parent Div is required for the IFRAME pixel type.
Load pixel in head
Because the pixel request is sent in the head, there are no other required tag fields other than an optional cache buster. The image request is made in memory and does not affect the page registration.
Manual link click tag in default
The Manual link click tag is designed to mimic the standard link click tag that Digital Analytics automatically adds to the links collection on a page. The tag is designed to be used in the onclick event of clickable objects and should be bound to the object event or to a function called by the onclick event of that object.
Manual pageview tag
The Manual pageview tag has all the same parameters as the Acoustic standard pageview tag but also allows the user to set the destination and referring URL values. It can be used in default and in head to “pretag” pages that are either untaggable, such as PDF files, or to track off site pages.
Manual pageview tag in default
The Manual pageview tag in default is usually placed in an anchor tag, onclick event, or a similar object that takes the visitor to the target page. This version allows the tag to be included in Default container page groups.
Manual pageview tag in head
The Manual pageview tag in head should be used only when the destination or referring URL values need to be set to something different than the web page. This version allows the tag to be included in Head container page groups.
Retrieve Acoustic Analytics cookie ID
The Retrieve Acoustic Analytics cookie ID is designed to run in the head. It populates the JSON object, Acoustic_Analytics_CookieID in the digitalData object attribute collection.
This utility does not have parameters. It should be loaded before any other tags in a page group. The Acoustic_Analytics_CookieID is useful in providing a unique identifier for the visitor on a particular device.