This article explains how to work with program performance tools in Classic reporting. If you're looking for other efficient ways to generate reports and track your program performance, take a look at Insights.
How to access the email performance report for your program
To track the performance of your programs and contacts, use the program mailing performance report.
- Open Reports > Reports (classic) > Report center in Acoustic campaign.
- Select Programs and choose Mailing performance.
- Click the Active or Inactive tabs and select a program from the list.
You can measure the number of sent mailings, opens, clicks, opt-outs, bounced mailings, and forwards at the program step-level and view contact information at each step within a program. You can also use the Trend report and the Program mailing type along with tagging to isolate certain programs and obtain additional information such as conversions and clickstreams.
Note: Keep in mind that program performance reports only email mailings. For mobile app message data, use Export all Contacts, a Lead Route, or check current contact status.
Extracting reporting information for your program
Currently, only aggregate data is available within Acoustic Campaign. However, you have a few options to extract data, such as the total number of bounces or opt-outs, for the entire active cycle of a program by using email and reporting IDs.
You'll find email and reporting IDs for a specific program in the Single mailing reports - Summary. Change the drop down box from Sent to program > select the program > select the email folder > select email > click on the 'I' icon to obtain the email and reporting IDs.
Options 1 and 2 start with procuring the email and report IDs for each email that is sent from the program. With all of the email and reporting IDs, use the first two options that are necessary to retrieve the total amount of a specific metric for the program.
Option 1: Single mailing report for each email
Access the Single mailing report for each sent email.
Open any single mailing report so that you can modify the "mailingId" and the "reportId" with the IDs of the emails pertaining to the program. By submitting this new URL, you generate a single email report that provides the necessary metric numbers. Continue this method for each email to come up with the total amount for any metric.
Option 2: Raw Recipient Data API call
Submit a RawRecipientDataExport API call to gather the total amount of a specific metric for the program. You need to submit the call only one time since you are able to add each related email ID to the XML code.
The call presented below creates a .csv file that has every open for the provided emails. Change the <OPENED/> parameter with whatever metric you want to generate the report for. Check the list of available parameters in the Refer to the XML API Developer Guide.
See example code:
Option 3: Run Raw recipient data export API without locating email IDs
You may run RawRecipientDataExport to include the program ID without locating the email IDs.
The Raw recipient data export (RRDE) XML API feature includes an output PROGRAM_ID column to the exported data file. When an email is sent by a program, a PROGRAM_ID appears for the associated emails.
To include the PROGRAM_ID element in the RRDE, the API call must include the new tag RETURN_PROGRAM_ID in the XML submitted API Test Harness.
Customers can effectively measure and report the results of email that is distributed by the use of Programs, and facilitate conversations with new clients to use Programs. The ability to associate emails to the sending program is key in showing how automation can help drive revenue.