You can deploy, manage, and connect your digital ecosystem through Acoustic's network of certified partners. Start by enabling partners to make their tags available for configuration in the tag catalog.
Enable a partner
- Click Partner enablement in the main navigation of Exchange Capture. The Partner enablements window opens and shows cards for all certified Acoustic partners. The card displays the partner status. If you enable a partner and later disable the partner, the enablement is suspended.
- Find the partner that you want to enable by browsing the deck, entering search criteria in the search field, or clicking the filter icon. If you use filter, select filter criteria and then click Apply.
- Hover on the card and click Enable.
- Configure enablement settings, if required. These settings are global values applied to all tags associated with the selected partner and vary from partner to partner. For information about setting up a specific partner, click the link that goes to the partner's product documentation or contact information.
Note: Not all partners have settings, but if partner settings exist, make sure you set them.
- Click Enable.
Edit partner enablement settings
If a partner is enabled and has global values that are configurable, you can edit the partner's settings.
To edit a partner's enablement settings:
- Click Partner enablement in the main navigation of the Exchange Capture.
- Find the card of the partner that you want to edit by browsing the deck, entering search criteria in the search field, or clicking the filter icon. If you use filter, select filter criteria and then click Apply. You can filter by partner name and enablement status enabled, not enabled, suspended).
Note: You cannot edit cards that are not enabled.
- Hover on the card and then click Edit.
- Edit the enablement settings. In some cases, there are no global settings that can be changed.
Note: To suspend all of the partner's tags, click Suspend. After suspending a partner, you must redeploy any deployment groups that contain the partner's tags.
- Click Update.
Suspend partner applications
In some cases, you might want to disable all of a partner's tags in deployment groups that are deployed. To do this, you can suspend the partner application. After suspending a partner, you can resume again to have all tags begin exchanging data on your production site with no extra configuration needed.
- Click Partner enablement in the main navigation of Exchange Capture.
- Find the card of the partner that you want to suspend by browsing the deck, entering search criteria in the search field, or clicking the Filter icon. If you use filter, select filter criteria and then click Apply. You can filter by partner name and enablement status (Enabled, Not enabled, Suspended). For example, you might filter by Enabled status to find cards that are enabled.
- Hover on the card, click the three-dot menu, and then select Suspend. A confirmation window asks you to confirm that you want to suspend the partner and warns you about tags in deployment groups that are deployed. To confirm that you want to suspend the enablement, click Suspend.
Note: If Suspend is not available on the three-dot menu, none of partner's tags are in deployment groups that are deployed.
- Click Pause to suspend the partner.
To resume, follow the same steps. For a partner that is suspended, the three-dot menu will have the Resume option.