The Acoustic platform is all about providing marketers with an integrated solution so you can achieve multiple things in a single experience. Creating engaging content and delivering the content through various channels, especially such as emails or mobile push notifications, is the primary goal of marketing.
Get started
In Acoustic, we provide an integrated experience for creating emails and mobile push notifications leveraging the best Content Management System. You can now have Content and Campaign integrated, for a more streamlined experience. Reach out to your CSD to subscribe to both of these products.
If you currently are subscribed to Content and Campaign with the message composer beta, you can opt to have the two subscriptions integrated.
Benefits of having an integrated asset repository
When you integrate Content and Campaign, it means the asset libraries in Campaign and Content share a single repository.
- With a shared repository, you can share assets between the two products. For example, you can use an image uploaded in the Content UI in your email created in the message composer.
- The assets uploaded to the Content UI must be stored in the public library and be published to access them from the Campaign library.
- You can access all image assets added to the Campaign library from the public library in Content by default.
- Content that you create in the campaign UI, whether an email or mobile push notification, is automatically published from the Content CDN.
User access and management
Having an integrated asset library for both the products does not mean that all users have access and permission to work in both products. You can still easily manage user permissions and have your teams focus on their work priority.
When you get your single subscription for Content and Campaign enabled, users will still need to be added to the products separately from the respective product user management pages.
Note: Only admins have permissions to add users to both the products.
For example, to add a user to the Content product, the admin must add the user from the Admin> User management page for content. Learn more.
To add a user to Campaign, the admin must add the user to the Campaign user management page.
To provide access to both the products
Initially, users added to the individual products will only be able to access that product. For example, users added to Content will only be able to access Content UI and will not see Campaign and vice versa.
Content admins can give Campaign users access to Content by adding them to the user management page in Content and define a role for them to have more granular access control. Similarly, Campaign admins can provide access to the Campaign UI for content users and assign a more granular user role.