Landing page and web form site defaults
Add default web page and site settings for your landing pages and web form sites.
To see these settings, go to Landing Page & Web Form Site Defaults under Organization Settings and click Edit to add the default URLs.
Setting Definitions
- Default Site URI (Universal Resource Indicator): This URI identifies your company in the landing page URL for all your landing pages sites and is shown on the Site URL found on the Site Settings tab in Landing Pages.
- Default Closed Page URL: Visitors are redirected here when they click a link to a landing page that is closed.
- Default Error Page URL: Visitors are redirected to this specified page, in cases where your landing page is down.
Custom labels and messages for landing pages and web forms
You can add a custom message that displays when a web form user fills out the information with an incorrect format. Custom messages provide the correct format for the web form fields.
If you use web forms in different languages, you can customize these messages in those languages. To see these settings, go to Landing Pages/Web Forms Custom Labels & Messages.
Download the default template (.csv file) to add new custom labels and messages. Then, add your template to this area. When you build new landing pages and web forms, you see custom labels available as an option within the Site Settings tab of your landing page under the Optional Site Settings area.