In composer, if you choose to create an email using the HTML editor you can import ZIP files.
Use the HTML editor
Add your HTML or upload a ZIP file. ZIP files can only contain HTML and image files. If you upload a ZIP file that contains anything else, you’ll see an error.
- In Email campaigns, click New email.
- Provide a name for your email.
- Browse for your folder location.
- Click Create.
- Choose HTML to add your custom code.
- Paste in your HTML, or upload a ZIP file.
Review your links
Once you've added or uploaded your HTML, you'll want to review your links.
- Click Link manager.
- Review your link names, link types, URLs, targets, and if the link uses tracking or conversions.
- Next, go on to testing, sending, or saving as a template.
Compress your HTML file and images
If you're working on a Mac, you can't use traditional tools like the Archive Utility to compress your files, as this creates a hidden folder in the final ZIP file. Instead, you need to use the ZIP command in your Terminal to compress your HTML file and images.
Let's say you have a folder on your desktop named HTML_images. Inside that folder is your HTML file along with a few image files.
- On a Mac, open the Terminal.
- Navigate to the folder where your HTML file is stored. For example, enter the following command:
cd Desktop/HTML_images
- Compress the folder by entering the following command:
zip -r . -x ".*" -x "__MACOSX" -x ".DS_Store"
where name is the name of your final compressed file. For example,
zip -r . -x ".*" -x "__MACOSX" -x ".DS_Store"
You now have a ZIP file named in the Desktop/HTML_images folder that contains your HTML file and image files.
Note: HTML imports are not supported for the drag-and drop-composer.