As part of our vision of bringing you enhancements to Acoustic platforms, we now have a public status page where we present the availability status of each of our cloud-based products.
Acoustic Status allows you to view the availability of the following Acoustic products and services:
- Acoustic support portal
- Campaign
- Content
- Exchange
- Personalization
- Tealeaf
Subscribing to notifications
With this launch, Acoustic Status also provides the ability to subscribe to product incident and maintenance notifications. We know that not all users need or wish to receive these notifications, so we encourage all relevant administrators in your organization to sign up.
- Go to and click Subscribe, located at the upper right corner.
- Provide your email address (envelope tab) and click Subscribe via Email, or provide your mobile phone number (phone tab) and click Subscribe via Text Message.
- Choose the products you wish to receive incident and maintenance notifications for and save your selections.
Note: If you don't choose any products in the step #3 above, you will be subscribed to ALL products. - Finally, follow the opt-in link you receive via email or text message to accept our status communications.
Updating your preferences
- Go to and click Subscribe.
- Provide your email address (envelope tab) and click Subscribe via Email, or provide your mobile phone number (phone tab) and click Subscribe via Text Message.
- Check or uncheck the products you wish to receive (incident and maintenance notifications) and save your selections.
Frequently asked questions
What action is required for customers?
In order to receive future incident and maintenance notifications, interested customers must sign up via Acoustic Status. Any previous subscriptions to incident and maintenance notifications will no longer be active.
What kind of communications should I expect from Acoustic Status?
Acoustic Status notifies you of incidents involving our products, as well as scheduled maintenance periods for Acoustic products. If you subscribe to product notifications, you will receive emails when an incident occurs, details about the incident, and updates as the incident progresses and is resolved.
Maintenance notifications are sent in advance of scheduled maintenance periods one hour before a maintenance begins, when a maintenance begins, and when a maintenance is concluded.
These notifications are separate from other product or service-related announcements that may affect your use of Acoustic products. You may continue to receive notifications about activities affecting your continued use of Acoustic products without subscribing to Acoustic Status notifications.
Text messages for incidents are sent only at the start of an incident and at the conclusion of an incident. You can always view the Status page to see the current status of an active incident.
If you have questions, please find additional resources here or reach out to the Acoustic support team.