This is your dashboard:
It's your go-to place for all of your most important insights. You'll find options for filtering by date and metric at the top.
Pro-tip: Aside from viewing and interacting with default dashboards, you can copy and edit them, essentially creating your custom dashboards. Learn about it in the documentation and the Acoustic Academy tutorial.
Filters section
Filters are ways to reduce or narrow down the returned results based on specific criteria. When viewing a dashboard, you can temporarily update dashboard filter values. They don’t delete anything from the database, they are only applied to the data displayed on the screen. They don’t affect any other users' dashboards. Dashboard filters apply to all tiles on a dashboard.
KPI tiles and report widgets
Below the filters, you'll see your KPI tiles. These will differ, depending on the kind of dashboard you're in.
Right under the KPI tiles, you'll see your report widgets. Depending on which dashboard you are currently on, those may differ.
Options menu
In the upper right corner, there is a folder icon, that allows you to choose a different dashboard. The three dots icon lets you clear the cache, download the board, or schedule delivery. You can also hide or show the filters.
Clicking on the three dots icon (Dashboard actions) will give you some additional abilities.
From this menu, you can:
- Clear cache and refresh your dashboard data.
- Create a report by clicking "download data". You'll choose from various file types, such as TXT, CSV, and more.
- Schedule delivery with a specific recurrence to a chosen mailbox.
- Reset filters to their default value.
- Check and change your time zone (you can read more on the time zone setup here).
For most of the KPI tiles and report widgets, you can set alerts and get an email notification whenever a metric reaches or exceeds a specific value.
You can also view, duplicate, and follow some alerts created by other users, depending on their permissions. Alert conditions will also take into account any dashboard filters that exist while creating the alert.
Note: Widgets with merged results do not allow alerts. Downloading data for that particular widget won’t be available in such a case either. If that is the situation, you will see this message when you hover over the bell icon:
How to schedule an alert?
Click on the bell icon that can be found in each of the tiles or widgets.
You will see a popup.
There, you can type in your title for the alert, set conditions, and frequency, and provide the email address to which you want to send it. Don't forget to save the alert!
Note: You can use any valid email address, even if the user does not have an Acoustic ID assigned to them.
When you're done, you can access your alert: edit, duplicate, or delete. Or add a new one, with different conditions.
You can find out which tile or widget has an alert set - there will be a number next to the bell icon indicating the number of your alerts.
Download data
To export data from a tile, click on the three dots icon (tile actions) on the tile or widget and select Download data.
You'll see a popup with format options as well as some advanced data options.
Schedule a report
You're working on your email, creating engaging copy and eye-catching designs. But then nothing happens. This may not have anything to do with the content of your email - it was never received by the recipient.
Why? Because for some reason it bounced.
You can keep tabs on your bounce rate by creating a bounce report:
Go to Folder Content > Shared > Insights > Channel Performance > Email.
Click on the three-dotted icon (dashboard actions) and choose Schedule delivery.
You will see a pop-up window:
Give it a name so you can identify later what this report is about. Set your date and time, and choose how you want to receive it (email or other). If you chose email - type in your email address. Finally choose the format (PDF, CSV, or PNG visualization).
When you're ready, go to the filters tab:
In the Scheduled date field - choose Yesterday. Then, in the Select metric field - choose Bounced. That way you will get a daily report of the bounces that occurred the previous day.
Finish customizing your report in the Advanced options tab:
Remember to hit save when you're done!