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Using Field Tokens on Surveys



  • Hi Don, in general this works like any other dynamic / personalized content within a mailing - just add the %%fieldname%% into the structure of the URL. You can read more about creating personalized URLs here: Let us know if you have any additional questions!

  • James,


    Thank you! Is there a place that lists the different field names? I just guessed that my field name was %%FirstName%%. Is the field name case sensitive? Does it matter if it has spaces?

  • Hi Don, so sorry for my delayed reply! When designing the email, place your cursor in the desired position (the URL itself, or in the message layout) and then select the "Personalization" icon. The available column names will then appear. The field names are not case sensitive, but should not include spaces when building a URL (see the section titled "Personalization Limitations" in the link below). 

    Please let us know if you have any other questions!

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