Hi all, we've had the warning message in the title start popping up in the mailing health-check, first saw it ~16th September.
It's different from the Bayes Poison warning, and looks to be quite hefty, worth 2.5 points in the Spam Check.
No one has been able to rectify the code to remove it yet, though we've not seen it adversely affect deliverability just yet, it would be good to get to the bottom of it.
Has any one else come across this one?
I have seen this on messages which did not have that warning before. We did not change any of the HTML of these mailings so it's not based on some new tags we introduced but is IMHO new to the spam checker functionality.
I also have been seeing this one on emails since mid-September. The only way I can get rid of it is delete all of my preview text. It seems like a line of preview text shouldn't set off the spam alert...
I have been experiencing this issue too, since the last couple of weeks, and can tell it occurs not only over new content templates but also on old templates which were sent out in production with no such issues in the past. I have tried updating the HTML code so there are no comments <!-- --> present in there and good indentation is observed, with no success.
What I have found is that, when removing parts of the code, the error was not triggered anymore after chopping out long lines of text (non-breaking and no spaces) of more than 1000 or 2000 characters. Eventually this would solve the issue, but then it appears again after restoring the parts I have cut before, so I believe this may be related with the kilobyte size of the HTML as a whole... still testing and investigating.
My 0,02¢
Thanks so much for this, Camilo! It's very helpful to see how to think about the problem. Did you find a certain size of html that's a cutoff?
I'll have to try breaking up longer sentences too.
Hi Marissa,
I am still test and trying with different contents but my findings are still the same, so it may be better trying to avoid long text lines and strong inline styling so the code kept the simplest, just as if it was HTML 1.0
Meantime we have opened a support ticket with Acoustic in which they tell us that perhaps there has been a change on the spam filtering rules over Apache's SpamAssassin, making it more difficult to get a good rating on the health check even over email templates which may have have a good scoring in the past, but this may not imply necessarily that the message will be filtered as spam on the recipient's mailbox.
So here is what I have received from them, for your reference:
"Acoustic uses Apache SpamAssassin in the Email Health Check widget. That is a third party software that is updated by its own community. Updates are usually done to reflect the latest spam filtering trends. When an update happens, that can change the Email Health Check evaluation, so even when using the same exact template, the score can change over time.
We suggest testing the message by sending it to a test list of your own email addresses, but anyway, the higher Email Health Check score doesn't increase the possibility of your messages being filtered as spam, and it should be seen only as a recommendation for improvement. (sic.)"
Hope this brings some additional light over these concerns.
Hi All, I may have found the fix to your issues here, I spent a lot of time testing to fix the issue that we had on our emails after not being able to find any fixes anywhere.
Read about it on my blog below.
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