XPath expressions are created using the first letter or an abbreviation of the type of the component. In the example above, the "w" represents a UIWindow, and the "v" symbolizes any other view or custom control that was not assigned in the SDK.
The iOS UI Controller abbreviations are:
"l": label
"b": button
"t": text field
"ta": text view
"tbl": table view
"tc": table view cell
"iv": image view
"sw": switch
"busy": activity indicator view
"prog": progress view
"slider": slider
"seg": segmented control
"web": web view
"stepper": stepper
"page": page control
"picker": picker view
"date": date picker
"map": map view
"scroll": scroll view
"col": collection view
"w": window
"nav": navigation bar
"tab": tab bar
"v": any other view
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