You can build complex conditions by creating a nested hierarchy of conditions using multiple AND or OR operators.
Example of a complex condition
Krysta needs to personalize a product offer for SleekFit 3.0 sports watch. Krysta's task is to personalize a zone that features the offer and to create a segment for the specific zone.
Krysta creates a segment based on the following conditions:
- Visitor visits the website by using laptop device, AND
- Visitor who views the product with:
- Product name that contains word Sleekfit
- Category that contains Health and Fitness
- In the last 3 days and at least five times
- Visitor who adds item to cart the product with the name Sleekfit 3.0:
- In the last 3 days and at least five times
Krysta creates a segment by selecting the following values in the rule builder:
Note The default value for Algorithm is Default. In case you want to change it to Most recent, click the Most recent radio button.
- From the Attribute list, select Contextual.Device-type.
- From the Operator list, select equals.
- From the Device type list, select Desktop.
- Click AND.
- From the Attribute list, select Product View.
- From the Time frame, select Days. Enter 3 in the input field.
- From the Frequency, select At least. Enter 5 in the input field.
Attention: If you select the Most recent algorithm, the Frequency field is not available.
The default value for Time Frame attribute is "in the past 1 day". The default value for Frequency attribute is at least 1 time. You cannot specify a value of 0 (zero) for these attributes.
- Click Add interaction attribute.
- From the Interaction attribute, select Product name.
- From the Operator list, select contains.
- In the Value field, enter SleekFit.
- Press Enter.
- Click Add interaction attribute.
- From the Interaction attribute, select Category.
- From the Operator list, select contains.
- In the Value field, enter Health and Fitness.
- Press Enter.
- Click OR.
- From the Attribute list, select Add Item to Cart .
Repeat steps 6-8 to select the timeframe and frequency for the Add Item To Cart attribute that you want to include in your condition for personalization.
- From the Interaction attribute, select Product name.
- From the Operator list, select contains.
- In the Value field, enter SleekFit 3.0.
Krysta clicks Add to add the condition and saves the complex condition. Krysta then uses the segment in a rule and publishes the rule.
If the visitor behavior matches the result of the complex rule, the personalized content is shown on the website.