A sequence event detects when two or more events occur in a specified order in a session. You can use a sequence event to detect that the specified events fired and that they fired in a specific sequence. A sequence event fires at the first detection of the sequence in the completed session.
Sequence events can be evaluated at any trigger of the session. Sequence events that are evaluated in an End of Session trigger are always evaluated after the evaluation of any dependent events in the trigger.
- In the Event Manager, select New to set the parameters for the event you are creating.
- Click + Condition to add a condition for your sequence event.
For sequence events, you must select an event as the condition.
- Click + Condition again.
- In the Select condition type window, select Events occur in the following sequence.
Note: The Events occur in the following sequence option is displayed only if the first condition that you set is an event.
- Add the events to the sequence.
- Set the value and condition for the events that you have selected.
A sequence event can be triggered only when Value is set to Exists in a session and Condition is set to True.
Use case for sequence events
Suppose there are three events as follows:
- Add to Basket Event (A),
- Error Event (B)
- Purchase Event(C)
In a session, these Events occur in the following order:
A, A, B, A, C, A, B
For a specified Event sequence of A,B, the Events fire in the session even though Event A occurs again after Event B fires for the first time.
The Event fires even though the visitor added an item to basket after the error, but they did not receive another error before the purchase.
All sequences are evaluated independently of each other. In this manner, you can create nested sequences.
Events that occur on the same hit are always considered to be in the proper sequence.
Note: If you are mixing hit-based events and step-based events in your sequence, set the trigger to evaluate the Event on After Every Hit or on End of Session.
If the trigger is set to Every Hit, the Event is evaluated before the steps that are part of the Event, and the sequence might not be evaluated properly.
You can create Step-based triggers based on data that is submitted from the Teleaf Client Frameworks.
Before you define a Sequence Event, you need the following information:
- Each Event in the sequence
- The sequence to test Condition and Value
Sequence event condition
Evaluator | Description |
Events occur in the following sequence | The listed events must occur in the order in which they are listed.
Select the events as conditions in the order that they must occur in the session for the event to evaluate to true. Note: For Sequence Events, you cannot use hit attributes as conditions. |
If the trailing event condition for a sequence event is configured to trigger when Exists in Session is false, then the sequence cannot be properly evaluated until the end of session. Although the Event Manager may indicate that the sequence is evaluated in a different trigger, the Event Engine performs the actual evaluation in the Last Hit of session trigger. These not conditions are evaluated as "did not occur."
Sequence event condition value
To record the total distance in the sequence, select Distance from the Value Type drop-down in the Event Summary.
Distance values in sequence events
In a sequence of events, the distance is computed from the hit on which the first condition is true to the hit on which the last condition occurs.
- If the first condition is a not condition, for purposes of measuring distance, the first hit where the not condition evaluates to true is used.
- If the last condition is a not condition, for purposes of measuring distance, the ending hit is considered the last hit of the session.
When a sequence occurs multiple times in a session, the evaluation of the second and later sequences may begin on the hit where the last condition of the previous sequence occurrence was true. From that hit onward, the distance for these sequences begins to be measured from the hit where the first condition of the sequence is again satisfied.