For each form element, you can search for "Completed" or "Abandoned" sessions. "Completed" means that a user started at the prior field and continued to the current field. "Abandoned" or "Left" is the difference between the number of form field visits of the current form element compared to the element directly previous to it.
About this task
For example, if 10 users interacted with the first element and 5 interacted with the second, that counts as five abandoned sessions.
You can use this information to see in which sessions the user entered something in the Search field or in which session the user entered a Promotion Code.
- In the Snapshot gallery, select the snapshot for which you want to view form data.
- Select Form Analytics overlay.
The Form Analytics panel opens with the Form Funnel tab selected. The tab shows the Completed and Abandoned percentages for all of the fields on the form.
- Select the item for which you want to view sessions:
Option Description The field hyperlink - Hover over the field for which you want to view data. Two links are displayed: the number of users that continued to the next field and the number of users that left without going to the next field.
- Select the link for the session list that you want to view.
The menu - Select the menu icon for the item on the Form Funnel tab for which you want to search for sessions.
- Select either "View completed sessions" or "View abandoned sessions".
The system leaves the snapshot and Form Analytics overlay view and displays a Search result screen. The sessions that match the link or menu option that you selected are displayed in the search results page.