When you configure struggle analytics, you identify the pages that you want it to analyze, by either specifying the page URL or by defined event conditions. You provide struggle analytics with a map of the pages or event conditions that you think your customers might struggle with.
Page mapping is a configuration activity in Struggle Analytics, where you specify the pages (by URL or by defined event conditions) on your website to be monitored by the Struggle Analytics. When you map a page, you set the conditions that identify it for analysis by Struggle Analytics.
Using defined event conditions for page mapping is especially useful when the URL can't be used to differentiate pages, such as when:
- You have a single page application and the url is always same for all pages. You can define different events to differentiate page, for example when a "Go to payment" button is found, it's a shopping cart page.
- The page URL has no fixed pattern. For example, sometimes certain product detail page URLs use the product ID in URL, so there is no easy way to define a fixed pattern to tag this is a product detail page. You can then define an event to do the page mapping, such as when "Product detail" is in the page title, it is mapped to product detail page.
Struggle analytics includes a list of pre-configured page names and icons. The preconfigured page names provide a representative example of pages that are typically found on websites:
- Contact
- Help
- Home page
- Log in
- Order
- Payment
- Product detail
- Product list
- Registration
- Search
- Search result
- Shopping cart
When you set the conditions for page analysis, you can select from the list of preconfigured names and icons, or you can type a name and set its icon. The page names and icons are displayed in the output to help you identify the pages quickly and easily. After the initial configuration, you can change the name for a page.
- Go to Options > Map Pages.
- To add a page, click the + icon, set the conditions, and click Map page.
- To change the name of a page, select or enter the page name and click Update page.
- To change the page icon, select the page, select the icon, and click Update page.
- Test your page against existing sessions to verify your results.