Use Session upload to replay sessions that you archived by using Download sessions in the session list that is exported with the Export Session function. The Upload sessions function also supports PDF files that include links to archived sessions and TLA files.
This procedure assumes that you either downloaded a session by using Download session from the session list or exported a session by using Export Session and that you downloaded the exported session as a PDF or LTS file to your computer.
The number of sessions that you can download over a 24-hour period is controlled by a COS integration parameter on the Company Settings page.
- From the navigation pane, expand Manage Sessions and select Session Upload.
- Browse to the file that you want to upload.
- Select the file and click Upload.
On rare occasions, the file that is used for replaying LTS sessions might not include all the static content.
You can select the Retrieve static content for LTS session replay check box in the Replay settings to retrieve the missing static content from outside the LTS file. The check box is cleared by default.