Add custom text to an email template that is shared to CRM
On the Email settings tab of Create (or Edit) email template in Acoustic Campaign, it is possible to select Share template with CRM system. This can be used to limit the templates that you allow for selection within Salesforce. When an email template is marked as a CRM template, the creator can enable a CRM Block, that is, an area in the email body where the sender can add text at the send time that could be inserted into the body of the template.
In Acoustic Campaign, place %%SP_CRM_BLOCK%%
in the spot where the custom text should appear in the body of your email Template. The GetemailTemplates
response indicates whether the template contains %%SP_CRM_BLOCK%%
based on the ALLOW_CRM_BLOCK
element. If true, you could allow specifying text in your application's user interface and pass it to the Scheduleemail
Manage CRM shared templates
All of our Campaign CRM integrations require sharing templates with the Database selected for the integration in order to use the Send Acoustic Campaign Email API from CRM.
Timeouts or send errors can occur for templates shared with CRM databases when one or both of the following scenarios exist:
- More than 1000 templates are shared in the Campaign causing the CRM environment to timeout while retrieving the template list.
For Salesforce integrations, you may see the following error: Collection size xxxx exceeds maximum size of 1000. It may occur due to a Visualforce pages limit set by Salesforce.
Some workarounds have been noted but currently will not work with our package.
For Salesforce integrations, you may see the following error: Collection size xxxx exceeds maximum size of 1000. It may occur due to a Visualforce pages limit set by Salesforce.
- The parent template used to create a shared template no longer can be retrieved due to archive settings, and the details of the parent cannot be retrieved by the API.
If Send Acoustic Campaign Email errors or erratic behavior occurs in CRM, its best to open a Campaign CRMi support case to review:
- The number of CRM shared templates.
- Templates that may have invalid parent template IDs (the parent hasn’t been used in mailings within the 450-day default archive setting).
An export can be provided so you can decide:
- Which older invalid templates can be removed\unshared to lower the count.
- Which shared templates with an archived parent can be identified and updated. The identified template must be re-saved to make it a parent in the Campaign.
Verify email template is shared with my CRM Integration
Acoustic Campaign email templates can be shared with Dynamics CRM, which allows CRM users to initiate an Acoustic Campaign email from Dynamics CRM.
You can share templates with CRM platforms only when the Contact Source is configured as the integrated database and the template are in a Shared location. If your template's contact source is associated with your CRM Database or its children (Query, Contact List), then it should be available for sharing within your CRM system. To verify if the email template is shared with the CRM integration, ensure that the Share template with CRM system check-box is selected in the email Settings for a Content email Template.
Unable to get arguments from the parent error message
Read the following topic if you receive Unable to get arguments from parent error message when you are using Send Acoustic Campaign Email.
Unable to get arguments from parent error message is displayed when you are using Send Acoustic Campaign Email.
JavaScript cross-domain parameters that are passed are prevented by built-in security mechanisms. Make sure that the parent window is opened by using the http://servername port address.