The Attention Map color definitions identify the areas that are most consistently displayed on the visitor's screen. The Attention Map legend shows the total views for page and the average view time for the screen.
The color definitions show the view time for the areas of the screen. The time is shown in seconds. The times are calculated as a percentage of the Average viewing duration. For example, if the Average viewing duration is 01:22.0s:
- 80% is 01:05.6s
- 60% is 00:49.2s
- 40% is 00:32.8s
- 20% is 00:16.4s
- 1% is 00:00.8s
The color definitions show:
- Red is 01:05.6s
- Orange is 00:49.2s
- Yellow is 00:32.8s
- Green is 00:16.s
- Teal is 00:00.8s
- Gray is not viewed